About UMSL |
Academic Advising |
Academic Affairs |
(314) 516-5371 |
Academic Calendar |
Accelerated Degrees (Degree in 3) |
Accounting Department, College of Business Administration |
(314) 516-6142 |
Accounting Services, Office of Finance |
(314) 516-5087 |
Accreditation |
ACT Preparation |
Active Learning Assistant (ALA) Program |
Actuarial Science |
(314) 516-5501 |
Admissions, Graduate |
(314) 516-5458 |
Admissions, Undergraduate |
(314) 516-5451 |
Admissions, International |
(314) 516-5753 |
Advanced Credit Programs |
(314) 516-7005 |
Advanced Workforce Center |
(314) 516-4478 |
Advancement, University |
(314) 516-4109 |
Affirmative Action (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) |
Alumni Records and Development Systems |
(314) 516-4149 |
(314) 516-5833 |
Apartments (University Meadows) |
(314) 516-6877 |
Archives, University |
(314) 516-5060 |
Art + Design, Department of |
(314) 516-5975 |
Arts and Sciences, College of
Actuarial Science Art + Design Biology Chemistry and Biochemistry Criminology and Criminal Justice Communication and Media Computer Science Economics English Gender Studies History Interdisciplinary Studies Language and Cultural Studies Mathematics and Statistics Military and Veterans Studies Music Philosophy Physics and Astronomy Political Science Psychological Sciences Sociology
(314) 516-5501 |
Assessment (University) |
Assessment Center (Campus Testing Center) |
(314) 516-6396 |
Astronomy (and Physics) |
(314) 516-4146 |
Athletics |
(314) 516-5503 |
Bachelor of Liberal Studies |
Behavioral Health, Center for |
(314) 516-4357 |
Benefits, Employee |
Biochemistry and Biotechnology |
(314) 516-6205 |
Biology, Department of |
(314) 516-6200 |
Black Faculty/Staff Association |
(314) 516-5000 |
Blackboard (MyGateway) |
Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center |
(314) 516-4949 |
Bookstore and Computer Shop (Triton Store) |
(314) 516-5763 |
Bridge Program (Precollegiate Program) |
(314) 516-5196 |
Budget Services |
(314) 516-5301 |
Bulletin (Course Catalog) |
Business Administration, College of
Accounting Doctor of Business Administration Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center Executive Education and Professional Studies Finance and Legal Studies Global Leadership and Management Graduate Business Programs Information Systems and Technology International Business Institute Internships Marketing and Entrepreneurship Supply Chain and Analytics Supply Chain Risk And Resilience Research Institute Undergraduate Business Programs
(314) 516-5888 |
Business Services |
(314) 516-5362 |
Calendars and Campus Events |
Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) |
(314) 516-5211 |
Campus Closure Procedures |
Campus Communications (UMSL Daily) |
Campus Maps |
Campus Police |
(314) 516-5155 |
Campus Recreation |
(314) 516-2348 |
Campus Shuttle |
(314) 516-4190 |
Campus Testing Center |
(314) 516-6396 |
Canvas |
Career Services |
(314) 516-5111 |
Careers at UMSL (for prospective employees) |
(314) 516-5805 |
Cashier's Office (Student Financial Services) |
(314) 516-5526 |
Catalog, Course (myView) |
Catering |
(314) 516-4321 |
Catholic Newman Center |
(314) 385-3455 |
Center for
Chancellor’s Certificate Computer Classes (Computer Classes) |
Chancellor, Office of |
(314) 516-5252 |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
(314) 516-5311 |
Children's Advocacy Center |
(314) 516-6798 |
Circle of Educators |
CLEP, College Level Examination Program |
Clinical Experience, Office of |
CMS Users (Content Management System) |
(314) 516-6178 |
Collaborative Vision, Des Lee |
College of
Collegiate Learning Assessment |
Commencement |
(314) 516-4898 |
Communication and Media, Department of |
(314) 516-5486 |
Communications, University Marketing and |
(314) 516-6690 |
Community Collaborations, Outreach and Engagement |
(314) 516-5267 |
Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) |
(314) 516-5145 |
Community Psychological Service |
(314) 516-5824 |
Compliance (Research and Commercialization) |
(314) 516-5972 |
Computer Science, Department of |
(314) 516-6355 |
Computer Shop and Bookstore (Triton Store) |
(314) 516-6355 |
Computing Labs (Instructional Support Services) |
(314) 516-6852 |
Conference Center Rentals (Event Services) |
(314) 516-4100 |
Conference Services (Office of Residential Life) |
(314) 516-6877 |
Construction Operations |
(314) 516-6469 |
Copyrights |
Counseling Services |
(314) 516-5711 |
Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination |
Course Catalog / Schedule |
Course Listings (Registrar) |
Courses of Instruction (Bulletin) |
Creating Whole Communities |
Criminology and Criminal Justice, Department of |
(314) 516-5031 |
Cross Campus Enrollment |
Culture Centers
Current Online (Student Newspaper) |
(314) 516-5174 |
Custodian of Records |
CyberCon |
Cybersecurity |
(314) 516-6279 |
Cybersecurity and Information Technology Innovation Lab (CITIL) |
(314) 516-7354 |
Dean of Students |
Degree Audit Program (DARS) |
Degree in 3 (Accelerated degrees) |
Degree Programs (Majors and Degrees) |
Des Lee Collaborative Vision |
(314) 516-5267 |
Desmond Lee Technology and Learning Center, E. |
(314) 516-5937 |
Development, University |
(314) 516-4109 |
Development Systems and Alumni Records |
(314) 516-4149 |
Diploma |
Disability Access Services |
(314) 516-6554 |
Discrimination (Title IX and Equity) |
(314) 516-4538 |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Office of |
(314) 516-5695 |
Division of Student Affairs |
(314) 516-5211 |
Doctor of Business Administration |
(314) 516-4528 |
Donate to UMSL |
Dual Enrollment Program |
Economic and Community Development |
Economics, Department of |
(314) 516-5353 |
E. Desmond Lee Technology and Learning Center |
(314) 516-5753 |
Educational Fees (Cashiers) |
(314) 516-5151 |
Education Abroad Office |
Education, College of
(314) 516-4970 |
Employee Benefits, Human Resources |
(314) 516-5805 |
Engineering, UMSL/Washington University Joint Undergraduate Program |
English, Department of |
(314) 516-5541 |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center |
(314) 516-4626 |
Entrepreneurship and Marketing, Department of |
(314) 516-6265 |
Environmental Health and Safety |
(314) 516-6360 |
Equal Opportunity |
Event Services at UMSL |
(314) 516-4100 |
Excellence in Financial Counseling, Center for |
(314) 516-5191 |
Executive Education and Professional Studies |
Executive Searches |
External and Donor Relations |
(314) 516-5789 |
Eye Care, UMSL |
(314) 516-5131 |
Facilities Rentals (Event Services) |
(314) 516-4100 |
Fact Book |
Facilities Management |
(314) 516-5000 |
Faculty Accomplishment System |
Faculty Awards |
Faculty Handbook |
Faculty Resource Center |
(314) 516-6704 |
Faculty Senate and University Assembly |
(314) 516-6769 |
Faculty and Staff email |
Fall Course Schedule/Catalog |
Finance and Operations |
(314) 516-5000 |
Finance (Accounting Services) |
(314) 516-5087 |
Finance and Legal Studies, Department of |
(314) 516-6420 |
Financial Aid (Student Financial Services) |
(314) 516-5526 |
Food Services |
(314) 516-7336 |
Fraternity and Sorority Life |
Freedom of Expression Statement |
Free Speech Guidelines |
French Art Guide |
Gallery 210@FAB |
(314) 516-5976 |
Gateway Writing Project |
Gender Studies |
(314) 516-5265 |
Geospatial Collaborative |
(314) 516-5000 |
German Culture Center |
(314) 516-6620 |
Give to UMSL |
Global, UMSL |
(314) 516-5753 |
Global Leadership and Management |
Government Association, Student |
Grace's Place (Computer & Information Technology Museum) |
Graduate Admissions |
(314) 516-5900 |
Graduate Association of School Psychologists (GrASP) |
Graduate School |
(314) 516-5900 |
Graduation (Commencement) |
Greek Studies |
Greek Life (Fraternity & Sorority Life) |
(314) 516-5291 |
Grounds Maintenance |
(314) 516-6323 |
Handbook, Faculty |
Handbook, Staff |
Handbook, Student (Student Planner) |
Harris World Ecology Center, Whitney R. |
(314) 516-4246 |
Health, Counseling and Disability Access Services |
(314) 516-5671 |
Health Insurance, Student Plan |
1-833-332-0798 |
Help Desk (Technology Support Center) |
(314) 516-6034 |
History, Department of |
(314) 516-5681 |
Homecoming |
Honors College, Pierre Laclede |
(314) 516-5243 |
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi |
Housing, Residential Life and |
(314) 516-6877 |
Human Resources |
(314) 516-5805 |
Humanities, Center for the |
(314) 516-5699 |
Inclement Weather (Campus Closures) |
Inclusive Postsecondary Education, Office of (formerly Succeed) |
Information Systems and Technology, Department of |
(314) 516-6267 |
Information Technology Services |
(314) 516-6000 |
Institutional Outcomes |
Institutional Research |
(314) 516-6101 |
Institutional Safety - UMSL Police |
(314) 516-5155 |
Instructional Support Services |
(314) 516-6852 |
Integrity and Accountability Hotline |
(844) 469-6383 |
Intellectual Property Management and Commercialization |
(314) 516-6884 |
Interdisciplinary Studies |
International Business Career Conference |
International Business Institute |
(314) 516-4503 |
International Master of Business Administration |
International Student and Scholar Services |
(314) 516-5229 |
IP (Intellectual Property) Management and Commercialization |
Judicial Affairs (Student Conduct and Community Standards) |
(314) 516-5211 |
Kathy J. Weinman Children's Advocacy Centre |
(314) 516-6647 |
Keep Learning (Online Support for Students) |
Keep Teaching (Online Support for Faculty) |
KWMU (St. Louis Public Radio) |
(314) 516-5968 |
Labor Studies Certificate Program |
Language Tutoring |
(314) 516-6240 |
Languages, Department of Language and Cultural Studies |
(314) 516-6240 |
Latina/Latino Studies |
Learning Resource Lab (Now Office of eLearning) |
(314) 516-6704 |
Liberal Studies Online |
Libraries, University |
(314) 516-5060 |
Loans, Student (Financial Aid) |
(314) 516-5526 |
Mail Services (Mail and Print Services) |
(314) 516-5204 |
Majors & Degrees |
Maps, Campus |
Marijuana Policy |
Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Department of |
(314) 516-6265 |
Marketing and Communications, University |
(314) 516-6690 |
Master of Accounting |
(314) 516-5888 |
Master of Business Administration |
(314) 516-5885 |
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing |
(314) 516-5541 |
Master of Public Policy Administration |
(314) 516-6378 |
Math Academic Center |
(314) 516-6355 |
Math Placement Test |
Math Technology Learning Center |
(314) 516-6355 |
Mathematics and Statistics, (Department of Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and Statistics) |
(314) 516-6355 |
Media Relations (University Marketing and Communications) |
(314) 516-6690 |
Meeting Room Rentals (Event Services) |
(314) 516-4100 |
Metro Rate (Illinois) |
Mercantile Library, St. Louis |
(314) 516-7240 |
Microbes in Action |
Mid-Semester Online Feedback |
Military and Veterans Studies |
(314) 516-6037 |
Millennium Student Center |
(314) 516-5022 |
Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH) |
(314) 516-8400 |
Mission Statement |
Missouri Research Park |
MoGEA (Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments) |
Museum Studies |
Music, Department of |
(314) 516-5980 |
MyConnect |
MyGateway |
MyHR |
MyView |
National Academy of Inventors (NAI), UMSL Chapter |
National Public Radio (KWMU) |
(314) 516-5968 |
Neighborhood Leadership Academy |
(314) 516-6392 |
Neighborhood Leadership Fellows |
(314) 516-6392 |
Neurodynamics, Center for |
(314) 516-7150 |
New Student Programs |
(314) 516-5036 |
New Student Orientation |
(314) 516-5291 |
Newspaper, Student (The Current) |
Newsroom, (UMSL Daily) |
(314) 516-6690 |
Nonprofit Management and Leadership |
Nosh, Dining |
(314) 516-7366 |
Nursing, College of |
(314) 516-6066 |
Observatory, Richard D. Schwartz |
(314) 516-5933 |
Off-Campus Degree Completion Program |
Offsite Campus Testing |
(314) 516-6396 |
Online Learning Support for Students |
Online Teaching Support for Faculty |
Online Testing Center |
(314) 516-6396 |
Open Records Request |
Opportunity Scholars |
Optometry, College of |
(314) 516-5606 |
UMSL Eye Care |
(314) 516-5131 |
Organizational Leadership (Bachelor of Arts) |
Organizations, Student |
Orientation, Faculty |
Orientation, New Student |
(314) 516-5291 |
Panhellenic Organizations |
Pantry, Triton |
Parent and Guardian Resources |
(314) 516-5211 |
Parking and Transportation |
(314) 516-4190 |
Patents |
Payroll, Employee |
Performing Arts Center, Blanche M. Touhill |
(314) 516-4949 |
Personnel (Human Resources) |
(314) 516-5805 |
Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society of |
Philosophy, Department of |
(314) 516-5631 |
Phonebook, Campus |
Physics and Astronomy, (Department of Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and Statistics) |
(314) 516-5933 |
Pierre Laclede Honors College |
(314) 516-5243 |
Planetarium |
(314) 516-5933 |
Planning (Strategic) |
Planning and Design (Facilities Management) |
(314) 516-6375 |
Police, Campus |
(314) 516-5155 |
Political Science, Department of |
(314) 516-5521 |
Precollegiate Student Services |
(314) 516-5196 |
Pre-Health Advising |
Print Services (Print and Mail Services) |
(314) 516-5233 |
Procurement Services (UM System) |
Promotion and Tenure Guidelines |
Provost, Office of the |
(314) 516-5371 |
Psychological Sciences, Department of |
(314) 516-5393 |
Publications (University Marketing and Communications) |
Public Policy Administration Program |
(314) 516-6378 |
Public Records System |
Public Relations (University Marketing and Communications) |
(314) 516-6690 |
Radio Station (St. Louis Public Radio) |
(314) 516-5968 |
Radio Station, Student (The U) |
Records and Transcripts |
(314) 516-5545 |
Recreation and Wellness Center |
(314) 516-2348 |
Registration |
(314) 516-5545 |
Research, Student |
Research Development |
(314) 516-5674 |
Research and Economic & Community Development, Office of |
(314) 516-5899 |
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) |
(314) 935-5521 |
Residency Information |
Residential Life & Housing, Office of |
(314) 516-6877 |
Retention Services, (Office of Student Enrichment and Achievement) |
(314) 516-5300 |
Retirees Association |
Safe Zone |
Safety Information |
Schedule of Courses |
Scholarships, Financial Aid |
(314) 516-5529 |
School of Social Work |
(314) 516-6385 |
Science and Technology Academic Center |
Science Education Programs |
Senate, Faculty (Faculty Senate and University Assembly) |
Serious on Safety |
Sex Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Violence (Title IX) |
(314) 516-4538 |
Shuttle, Campus |
(314) 516-4190 |
Smokefree Campus |
Social Media Directory |
Social Work, School of |
(314) 516-6385 |
Sociology |
(314) 516-5173 |
Sodexo, Food Service |
(314) 516-7366 |
Sorority Life |
Sponsored Projects Administration |
(314) 516-5923 |
Spring Course Schedule/Catalog |
St. Louis Psychology Internship Consortium |
Staff Association |
Staff and Faculty email |
Strategic Planning |
Student Activities |
Student Advocacy and Care |
(314) 516-6369 |
Student Affairs, Division of |
(314) 516-5211 |
Student Center, Millennium |
(314) 516-5022 |
Student Computing Labs |
(314) 516-6852 |
Student Conduct and Community Standards |
Student Consumer Information |
Student Employment |
Student Enrichment and Achievement, Office of |
(314) 516-5300 |
Student Financial Services |
(314) 516-5526 |
Student Government Association |
Student Health Insurance Plan |
1-833-332-0798 |
Student Health Services |
(314) 516-5671 |
Student Involvement, Office of |
(314) 516-5291 |
Student Loans (Financial Aid) |
(314) 516-5526 |
Student Organizations |
Student Outreach and Support |
(314) 516-6807 |
Student Manual |
Student Radio Station (The U) |
Student Research at UMSL |
Student Success, Academic Affairs ( Task Force) |
(314) 516-5371 |
Student Email |
Study Abroad Office |
(314) 516-5753 |
Study Hall (University Tutoring Center) |
(314) 516-6807 |
Summer Course Schedule/Catalog |
Sunshine Law Request |
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program |
Supply Chain and Analytics, Department of |
(314) 516-6130 |
Sustainability |
Teach in 12 (College of Education) |
(314) 516-5932 |
Teaching and Learning, Center for |
(314) 516-4508 |
Technology Support Center |
(314) 516-6034 |
Technology Transfer |
(314) 516-6884 |
Telephone Services |
(314) 516-6500 |
Tenure and Promotion Guidelines |
Testing Center, Campus |
(314) 516-6396 |
Title IX and Equity (Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Violence) |
(314) 516-4538 |
Touhill Performing Arts Center, Blanche M. |
(314) 516-4949 |
Tours, Campus |
(314) 516-4104 |
Training, Technology |
Transcripts (Office of the Registrar) |
(314) 516-5545 |
Trauma Recovery, Center for |
(314) 516-6738 |
TRIO Student Support Services Program |
(314) 516-4332 |
TritonCard Services |
Triton Manual (Student Handbook) |
Triton Pantry |
Triton Print |
Triton Store |
(314) 516-5763 |
Tutoring (University Tutoring Center) |
(314) 516-6807 |
U, The (UMSL Student Radio Station) |
UMSL CARE (Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation) |
(314) 516-5211 |
UMSL Computer Program (UCP) |
(314) 516-6128 |
UMSL Daily |
UMSL Eye Care |
(314) 516-5131 |
UMSL Global |
(314) 516-5753 |
UMSL Innovations - Online Licensing Marketplace |
(314) 516-6884 |
UMSL Magazine |
UMSL Skills Lab (formerly the Computer Education and Technology Center) |
(314) 984-9000 |
UMSL/Washington University Joint Undergraduate Engineering Program |
(314) 516-6800 |
Undeclared Students |
Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Research at the College of Arts and Sciences
University Advancement |
(314) 516-4109 |
University Archives |
University Assembly (Faculty Senate and University Assembly) |
University Bookstore and Computer Shop |
(314) 516-5763 |
University Child Development Center |
(314) 516-5658 |
University Health, Counseling and Disability Access Service |
(314) 516-5671 |
University Libraries |
(314) 516-5060 |
University Marketing and Communications |
(314) 516-6690 |
University Meadows |
University Tutoring Center |
(314) 516-6807 |
University Student Support |
(314) 516-6807 |
Veterans Center |
(314) 516-5705 |
Weather (Campus Closures) |
Website Policies |
Welcome Center |
(314) 516-5451 |
Wellness, Employee |
West County Computer Center (Computer Education / Training Center) |
(314) 984-9000 |
Western Historical Manuscript Collection (State Historical Society of Missouri Research Center-St. Louis) |
Weinman Child Advocacy Centre, Kathy J. |
(314) 516-6798 |
Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center |
(314) 516-4246 |
Workforce Integration, Office of |
(314) 516-4478 |
Writing Center |
(314) 516-6863 |
Writing Certificate Program |
Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority |