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About the Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center

The Harris World Ecology Center (HWEC), through a unique set of partnerships, promotes research and training in basic ecology and biodiversity conservation across the globe, and increases public awareness and interest in issues relating to global natural resource conservation. The center is housed within the Department of Biology at the University of Missouri St. Louis, and works closely with The Missouri Botanical Garden and the Saint Louis Zoo.

Exciting News!

The Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center will be accepting graduate student applications for our Christensen Fellowship and our Saint Louis Zoo Fellowship beginning in Fall 2024. Please visit our current and prospective student funding pages to learn more.

Don't Miss IKS 2024

The Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability (IKS) Event Series returns October 10-12, 2024. Our theme this year is the Buffalo Treaty. We'll get to hear from experts on the impact the Buffalo Treaty has had on Native American communities through economic, community, and conservation perspectives. Check out the Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability Event page to learn more about the incredible lineup of guest speakers and register for events around the area.

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