Writing Certificate Programs
The Writing Certificate is open to all St. Louis campus undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to graduates of UMSL and other colleges and universities. Students may pursue the Professional Writing Certificate or the Creative Writing Certificate. Click on the links below to review the course list for each certificate.
Students must complete the required courses (18 credit hours) with a grade point average of 3.0 or better. None of the courses may be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Up to six credit hours of course work may be transferred from other four-year institutions. Application forms are available in the Coordinator's office at 447 Lucas Hall. There is no charge for enrollment in the Writing Certificate program other than regular course fees.
For additional information about the Writing Certificate Program, call or email Writing Certificate Coordinator and Advisor, Jeanne Allison, at (314) 516-5587 or allisonjea@umsl.edu.