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Commencement Banner

Congratulations, Graduates!

August and December 2024 Graduates are invited to ceremonies on Saturday, December 14.

Detailed student information can be found on the  Candidate Information page.
Detailed guest information can be found on the  Guest Information page.
Detailed faculty information can be found on the  Faculty Information page.

Commencement Program Cover
Download a copy of the
Spring 2024 Commencement Program

Friday, May 10, 2024

2:00 pm

College of Optometry 


7:00 pm

College of Business Administration
UMSL/WashU Joint Engineering Program

Saturday, May 11, 2024

9:00 am

College of Nursing
College of Arts and Sciences I: Humanities and Sciences (see below for departments)

Undergraduate (Bachelor's Level)

Actuarial Science Computing Technology  Modern Language
Anthropology Cybersecurity Music Education
Biochem Biotechnology  Data Science and Analysis  Philosophy
Biology  English Physics
Chemistry History Studio Art
Computer Science  Mathematics

Graduate (Master's and Doctoral Level)

Analytical Chemistry Creative Writing Mathematics
Chemistry Computer Science Mobile Apps and Computing
Inorganic Chemistry Cybersecurity Museum Heritage and Public History
Organic Chemistry Data Science Museum Studies
Artificial Intelligence English Philosophy
Biochemistry and Biotechnology Global Biodiversty Conservation and Leadership Physics
Bioethics History Public History and Cultural Heritage
Biology Internet and Web Teaching of Writing

2:00 pm

School of Social Work
College of Arts and Sciences II: Social Sciences (see below for departments)

Undergraduate (Bachelor's Level)

Applied Psychology of Child Advocacy Liberal Studies Public Policy & Administration
Communication Media Studies Sociology
Criminology & Criminal Justice Organizational Leadership
Economics Political Science
Interdisciplinary Studies Psychological Sciences
International Relations Psychology

Graduate (Master's and Doctoral Level)

Criminology & Criminal Justice Policy & Program Evaluation
Political Science Political Science
Psychology Psych-Clinical Respecial
Communication Psychology
Criminology & Criminal Justice Public Policy Administration
Economics Trauma Studies
Local Government Mangement
Nonprofit Organization Mangement & Leadership  

7:00 pm

College of Education

Other Upcoming Commencement Dates

Fall 2024 Commencement: Saturday, December 14