First, determine which math course(s) are required for your intended major.
If you are uncertain about requirements, check the course prerequisites or check with your academic advisor. Who is My Advisor?
Next, determine if you already have credit for the required math course(s) with a grade of C- or above.
This credit could come from previous college-level coursework, or other assessments, like AP or CLEP tests.
What if my placement score on one of the exams allows me to enroll in a higher course that is required for my major?
Check with your academic advisor about test-out options.
Still have questions?
Check with your academic advisor to find more.
The University of Missouri-St. Louis requires that all students take a mathematics placement assessment to determine readiness for various courses. The required test is MyMathTest from Pearson Publishing. MyMathTest covers material in three separate tests: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, and Pre-Calculus.
Intermediate Algebra Test (unproctored)
UMSL's unproctored Intermediate Algebra test is available online only and does not need to be proctored at a test center. In order to take this assessment, please login through the MyMathPlacement link in Canvas. No fee or pre-registration is required, and if you are not satisfied with your score, you can retake this assessment up to three times. You will be required to remediate (online) between attempts.
College Algebra and Pre-Calculus Tests (proctored)
UMSL's College Algebra and Pre-Calculus assessments can only be completed once every 12 months in a proctored environment. A proctored exam is an exam that is taken at an approved test center. To schedule your College Algebra or Precalculus exam at the UMSL Testing Center, click this link to access the registration site. Please note there is a $30 non-refundable testing fee that is paid during the registration process. If you would like to take a placement test at a different test center (fees may vary), please email to coordinate that action.
For more information, and to access the placement tests, click on the link in your Canvas Dashboard or under "Courses" in Canvas. Please note while the course may not be initially present on your Dashboard, it is still present in your list of all courses. To access this list, click the "Courses" button on the left side of the screen in Canvas. At the top of the fly-out menu, click on "All Courses". This will provide you with a list of all courses you are currently enrolled in.