At the Department of Finance and Legal Studies, our mission is to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed for successful careers in modern finance and legal studies, while also fostering their growth as responsible citizens.
Finance, at its core, presents a range of options, including investment strategies that allocate resources and financing solutions for raising capital. Our curriculum provides students with expertise in areas such as corporate finance, investment analysis, financial institutions and markets, personal financial planning, and the dynamic field of financial technology (Fintech). In today's interconnected world, understanding global dimensions is also essential for effective decision-making in business.
Over the past two decades, finance has evolved significantly, becoming more specialized and technically demanding. Employers in the financial sector now seek candidates with degrees in finance, as well as broader knowledge beyond traditional academics. To meet this demand, we offer innovative courses and programs dedicated to the study of financial technology (Fintech), covering key areas such as blockchain technology, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to ensure students stay at the forefront of industry developments.
Furthermore, our finance program places a strong emphasis on professional development. We recognize the significance of professional licensing and certification in today's finance industry. To support our students in achieving success, we have seamlessly integrated finance certification tracks into our curriculum. This approach allows students to complete their academic degrees while gaining the comprehensive knowledge necessary to excel in professional certification examinations.
Nasser Arshadi, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
Department of Finance & Legal Studies