A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Special Collections by collection number
- 1718 Louisiana Document
M-186 - 1787 Freighting Document (Bill of Lading)
M-184 - 1779 Oath of Allegiance
M-194B - 1856 Letter of Introduction
M-197 - 1898 Philippines Document
M-185 - 1908 Travel Diary
M-395 - Abraham Beck Journal
- M-246
- Adams, John Quincy
M-001 - African American Images Collection
M-244 - Alaskan Gold Rush Photos
M-219 - Ameren UE Collection
M-282 - American Art-Union Collection
M-327 - Arkansas Township Plat Book
M-383 - Art Collections of the St. Louis Mercantile Library
- Astor, John Jacob
M-002 - John James Audubon Prints
M-209 - Autographs
M-003 - Aviation Wing Fragment Letter
M-404 - Paul Azzara JFK Newspapers and Realia Collection
- Bankers & Exchange Dealers: City of St. Louis Records, 1852-53
M-004 - Barbe-Marbois, Francois, marquise de
M-005 - Barnes Glass Negatives
M-167 - Homer Bassford Papers
M-345 - Bauman Papers
- M-271
- Beers Indian Captivity Narrative
- M-338
- Beaumont, William Dr.
- M-218
- Bell, John
- Bell, John Ledger of Finances
- The Henry H. Benham Papers
M-336 - Adolphus Benedict Scrap Book Collection
M-007 - McKinnley Bent
M-261 - Thomas Hart Benton Collection
M-008 - Thomas Hart Benton [Artist] Collection
M-326 - General Daniel Bissell Papers
M-009 - Bixby
M-141 - Blumenthal, Augusts A.
M-010 - Emil Boehl Photographs of St. Louis
M-169 - Henry Boernstein Collection
M-346 - Books in Series Collection
M-154 - Boone, Daniel
M-011 - Botts, John
M-012 - Bolduc Photostats -- Ste. Genevieve
- M-215
- Civil War Letters of James Bradley
M-347 - Breckenridge Photograph
- M-214
- American Broadsides Collection
M-328 - Brooks, Richard
M-013 - Brockmeier Genealogy Collection
M-253 - Donny Brook Collection
M-291 - Bryan, John [Daniel Boone's nephew]
M-014 - Ruth Bryant Collection
M-379 - Bryant, William Cullen
M-015 - Buchanan, James
M-016 - H. Buffman Auction Broadside
M-225 - Burr, Aaron
M-017 - Burr, Theodosia
M-018 - Butterfield Stagecoach
- Calhoun, John C.
M-019 - Nives Capelli Collection
M-436 - Robert Campbell Family Collection
M-107 - Helen Campbell Correspondence Collection
M-442 - Carroll, Charles
M-020 - Matthew Casey Valedictory
M-178 - Henry G. A. Casper's Journal
M-021 - General John Smith Cavender Correspondence
M-411 - History of Sarah Louise Chamberlain Redd
M-403 - Chamless Print Collection
M-120 - Chinese Portraits
M-119 - Citizens for Educational Freedom: Part 1
M-259 - Citizens for Educational Freedom: Part 2
M-283 - City Hospital
M-303 - Letters from the Civil War
M-314 - Civil War Ship Journals
M-306 - Charless, Joseph
M-300 - August Chouteau Papers
M-022 - Circuit Attorney and Staff of St. Louis Photographs
M-420 - Clark Graves Collection
M-447 - Clarke, Edward: Letter to London Booksellers
M-452 - Clay, Henry
M-023 - Clemens, James Jr.
M-024 - Coal Dealers Photographs
M-406 - Colonial Dames Collection
M-147 - Community Federal Savings and Loan Archives
M-136 - Compton & Dry, Pictorial St. Louis
M-168 - Compton Heights Water Tower Collection
M-433 - Confederate Civil War Document
M-316 - Confederate Imprint Collection
M-123 - Ernest Connally Papers
M-252 - Manuscript Cookbooks Collection
M-369 - J. Fred Coots Musical Score
M-371 - W. Philip Cotton St. Louis Architect Papers
M-412 - W. Philip Cotton St. Louis Architect Papers and Drawings
M-459 - Crittenden, J.J.
M-025 - Crockett, David
M-026 - Ramsay Crooks Fur Trade Ledger
M-391 - Cumberland Presbyterian Church Ledger, Alton Illinois
M-448 - Cunningham, Jane
M-435 - Cunningham, T. H.
M-027 - Cupples Ledger Books
M-456 - Edward Curtis
Custis, George Washington Parke
M-028 - Felix Darley Illustrations Collection
M-156 - M. B. Darrich Collection of St. Louis Jewish Genealogy
M-159 - Howard Day Photograph Collection
M-143 - De Pew Life Magazine Collection
M-150 - Fr. Pierre Jean DeSmet Collection
M-296 - P. Diaz 1899 Proclamation
M-180 - Dickinson, Brig. Gen. Philemon and Brig. Gen. Wil Livingston
M-029 - Arthur Digby
M-198 - Irving Dilliard Journalism Collection
M-137 - William J. and Helen S. Dixon Collection
M-441 - Dobyne, Nellie M.
M-030 - A. J. Donilich
M-196 - Douglass MSS, Binder
M-174 - Downtown St. Louis Collection
M-130 - Henry W. Drinker Journal
M-031 - John Duxbury Sports Research Collection
- Early Paper Money, Coins, and Medals
M-118 - East Orange High School Yearbooks
- Adolf Ebent United States Passport
M-396 - Easton, Rufus
M-032 - Early 20th Century Bookseller's Correspondence
M-418 - Edgewood Children's Center
M-142 - Ron Elz / Johnny Rabbitt Collection
M-281 - Emerson Transcripts
M-182 - Emmigration Poster, c. 1830s - 1840s
M-324 - Ephemera Collection
M-381 - Episcopal Letters Collection
M-320 - Exhibits Collection
M-319 - Fagg, Helen
M-033 - Falstaff Brewery Collection
M-389 - Families Photographs Collection
M-400 - Field, Eugene
M-173 - Forcier Collection
M-144 - Ford, John
M-034 - Fort Belle Fontaine
M-179 - Franchot Scrapbook
M-217 - Franklin, Benjamin
M-035 - French, Juliet S.
M-310 - Gallatin, Albert
M-036 - Gantt, Thomas J et. al.
M-037 - Alexander Gardner Photographic Prints M-211
- Gates -- St. Louis Bank Regulations
M-193 - Gaty Register
M-190 - Gay and Lesbian Publications
M-228 - Genealogical Chart, 1911
M-175 - General Life and Fire Assurance Company
M-304 - General Scrapbook Collection
M-434 - St. Louis Globe Democrat Collection *Search database on-line*
M-112 - St. Louis Globe Democrat Images
- M-112
- St. Louis Globe Democrat Collection Addendum
M-112A - Gray, A. B., Manuscript Letter
M-376 - William Gentry American Ambulance Field Service Scrapbook
M-405 - German Sisters Captivity Letter
M-370 - M. B. Greensfelder Collection
M-413 - Greeting Card Collection
M-158 - Greve / Fisher Collection
M-257 - Dan Groncy Collection
M-227 - Leonard Gruggs
M-269 - Gordon, General J.B.
M-038 - Hamilton, Alexander
M-039 - Hancock, John
M-040 - Hancock, Gen (Winfield Scott)
M-041 - Heartman
M-140 - Heil Chemical Company of St. Louis Papers
M-043 - Hill Family Letters
M-329 - Hinchey, Pa
M-301 - Hindenburg Collection
M-145 - Hinton Rowen Helper Collection
M-124 - Henderson, Richard
M-044 - Hendricks, Gov. Thomas A.
M-045 - Henry, Patrick
M-046 - Don Hesse Political Cartoon Collection *Search database on-line*
M-248 - Heughes, J.C.
M-047 - Hill, Walter J., S. J.
M-048 - Historic Pets Collection
M-453 - History of Wine Collection
M-278 - Ethan Allen Hitchcock Alchemy Collection
M-108 - John Neal Hoover Collection of Agriculture and Rural Life
M-105 - James D. Horan Collection
M-293 - Horton History of Sports Collection
M-129 - Hunter, Will
M-049 - Illinois Glass Papers
M-138 - Illustrated Periodicals Collection
M-116 - Illustrated Travel Journals Collection
M-318 - Images of American Indian & Popular Western Culture Collection
- M-212
- Immigration Cartoons, ca.1840
M-229 - Ingalls, Rufus; Diaries 1853, 1854, 1861.
M-462 - Irish State Trial Scrapbook
- Jackson, Andrew
M-050 - Japanese Internment Papers
M-349 - Jefferson, Thomas
M-051 - John B. Myers Co. Ledger
M-275 - Secretary to the Mayor Kaufmann Correspondence
M-354 - Keller, Helen
M-299 - Thomas T. Kerslake Overland Journal from Canada to New Zealand
M-355 - King, William R.
M-052 - Knox, R. M-053
- Koran Manuscript ca. 17th Century
M-226 - Krey Meat Packing Company Collection
M-461 - KSTL Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
M-348 - Kyse-Manley-Barnett Families Collection
M-233 - Lafayette, G.W.
M-054 - Lafayette Square Restoration Committee Papers
M-128 - Lancaster Borough Mortgage Collection
M-437 - Henry F. Langenberg Economics Collection
M-232 - Lankey-Davies Mortgage
M-437 - John Tate Lanning Collection
M-132 - Latino and Hispanic Affairs Collection
M-386 - Lee, Richard Henry
M-055 - Lee, Gen. Robert E.
M-056 - Lemen Collection of St. Louis Photographs
M-170 - Eugene Lewis
M-260 - Lewis Genealogical Charts
M-191 - Life Association of Missouri
M-057 - Franz Liszt Musical Score
M-380 - Little Shield Sketchbook
M-058 - Littleton-Van Thal Correspondence
M-455 - Locke's Common-Place Book
M-059 - Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
M-060 - Early Lottery Broadsides
M-206 - Louisiana Territory Legislative Journal
M-061 - Lyttleton-Van Thal Correspondence Coll.
M-455 - McCaughen & Burr Ledger Book Collection
M-446 - McElwee Genealogy
M-187 - McNair, Alexander
M-062 - Hugh McPheeters
M-270 - Mallinckrodt Company Advertising Scrapbooks
M-135 - D. W. Mar Collection
M-166 - Marbled Paper Collection
M-127 - Martin Family Materials
M-262 - Mathurin, J. H. St. Louis 1817
M-202 - Madison, James
M-063 - Manley Family Papers
M-315 - Don Marsh Collection
M-280 - Masonic Temple Building of St. Louis Collection
M-419 - August F. Marty Scrapbook
M-230 - McCaughen & Burr Ledger
M-445 - Merrill J. Mattess Speech
M-401 - Matthews Family Collection
M-323 - Gene McNary Collection
M-358 - Meachum, Rev. John B.
M-313 - Merchants Exchange of St. Louis
M-305 - St. Louis Mercantile Library and Association, Archives of the
M-117 - Mid-Coast Aviation Photograph Collection
M-236 - Military Miniatures Collection
M-443 - Missouri Pinewoods Logging and Forestation Scrapbook
M-407 - Monroe, James
M-064 - Marianne Moore
M-183 - History of Mormonism Collection
M-385 - Morgan, Daniel
M-065 - Morris, Robert
M-066 - Morrision, James
M-067 - Muhammed Temple of Islam Scrapbook
M-243 - James Myers Indian Artifact Collection
M-295 - Dr. Helen E. Nash Collection of African-Americana and Africana
M-357 - John Henry Nash Fine Print Manuscripts
M-308 - National Black Economic Devlopment Conference, Detroit, Michigan, 1969
M-302 - Native American Issues Collection
M-388 - Native American Song Research Notes and Translations
M-410 - Netsuke Reference Collection
M-155 - Newman-Koken-Elwang St. Louis Family History Collection
M-439 - Niedringhaus Letter
M-399 - Historic Newspaper Collection
M-126 - Nott, Elizabeth
M-068 - Frank Nuderscher Collection
M-288 - John O'Fallon
M-172 - E. Phillips Oppenheim Collection
M-110 - Original Late-WWII Telegrams
M-363 - Osecola, Leader of the Seminoles
M-069 - Paintings (Art Collection)
M-264 - Francesca Paillou Monograph "A Handful of Songs" and Related Correspondence
M-394 - Parkview Heights Papers
M-416 - Peach Family Papers
M-408 - John Mason Peck Collection
M-111 - Pegler-Bisch Letter Collection
M-247 - Peter-Clemens St. Louis History (Membership Receipt)
M-189 - Charlotte Peters Collection
M-279 - Charles S. Peterson Speech "A Mormon Town: One Man's West"
M-402 - Historic Pets Collection
M-453 - Peyton, Caroline
M-071 - Pierpont, T.H.
M-070 - Philipson, Jacob
M-072 - Joseph Philipson Business Account Book
M-073 - 19th Century Photographically Illustrated Book Collection
M-134 - Pinkney, William
M-074 - Pitt, William
M-075 - Planters House Broadsides
M-205 - Political Cartoons by st. Louis Weatherbird Artists
M-284 - Polk, James K.
M-076 - Pop-Up Book Collection
M-157 - F. E. Porter
- M-213
- St. Louis Studio Portraits
M-454 - Postage Stamp Collection
M-161 - Pregaldin Papers
M-268 - Presidential Election of 1824 Collection
M-077 - Press Women, Mildred Planthold Michie
- M-290
- Fine Printing / Private Press / Book Arts Collection
M-125 - Prints of the American West
M-245 - Prints, Photos, Drawings (Art Collection)
M-265 - Quiet Please Murder Lobby Cards
M-415 - Quincy Library [Illinois]
M-078Railroads -- see Barriger Railroad Library Special Collections
- Jerry Ray
M-181 - Ronald Reagan Speech, A Time for Choosing
M-368 - Real Estate Sale Broadside
M-393 - Receipts and Documents, 18th Century
M-204 - Reedy, Mrs. William Marion
M-079 - Regimental History of the 4th Cavalry
M-235 - Remmert-Werner Collection
M-237 - Republic of Texas Documents
M-201 - Revere, Paul: Goldsmithing Document, 1731 (Father of Revolutionary War Figure)
M-449 - Rice Family Papers
M-160 - Lucile W. Ring Collection
M-146 - Rivington, James
M-080 - Robbins Collection
M-081 - Robinson, Hamlin Elijah
M-082 - Rogers, John
M-083 - Theodore Roosevelt, John Gundlach Collection on
M-131 - Round Table Records
M-084 - Russell-Allen Family Papers
M-273Steamboats -- see Pott National Inland Waterways Library Special Collections
- St. Leo's Saint Louis Church Collection
M-438 - St. Louis 2004 Collection
M-373 - Old St. Louis Arsenal
M-242 - Saint Louis Ballads Collection
M-384 - Early St. Louis Bank Receipts
M-207 - St. Louis Booksellers and Rare Book Auction Catalog Collection
M-106 - St. Louis Business Journal Photograph Collection
M-258 - St. Louis Caledonia Society Records
- M-216
- St. Louis Coliseum Company
M-307 - St. Louis Cupples Ledgerbook
M-456 - St. Louis Fairs & Expositions Collection
M-164 - St. Louis Globe Democrat Collection *Search database on-line*
M-112 - St. Louis Globe Democrat Images
M-112 - St. Louis Images
M-171 - St. Louis Imprints Collection
M-113 - St. Louis Juvenile Detention Center Photographs
M-418 - St. Louis Lyceum, Records of
M-114 - St. Louis Maps and Guidebooks
M-153 - St. Louis Memories Public Photographs
M-367 - St. Louis Mercantile Library and Association, Archives of the
M-117 - St. Louis Model Cities Association Archives
M-151 - St. Louis Studio Portraits Collection
M-454 - St. Louis Waterworks
M-203 - Saunders, Rolfe A.
M-085 - Sautelli, J.
M-312 - Elizabeth Gentry Sayad Collection
M-392 - Schmidt Collection
M-086 - Saunders Schultz Collection
M-460 - Schweitzer Weatherbird Collection
M-284 - James Godwin Scott Collection
M-289 - Second Bank of Philadelphia Account Book
M-375 - Severson Collection
M-325 - Sculpture (Art Collection)
M-266 - B. Shaumburg -- New Orleans, 1799
M-195 - Early American Sheet Music Collection
M-121 - Shepard, Elihu
M-087 - Dr. Allen B. and Helen S. Shopmaker American Political Collection
M-322 - Horatio Seymour
M-148 - Simmons / Chandler Collection
M-162 - Single Photograph Collection
M-321 - Unknown Author, Slave Receipt, 1842. Mary Ann
M-451 - Smith Act Pamphlet
M-398 - Tom K. Smith Papers
M-152 - Snow / Wherry Papers
M-088 - Sons of the Revolution Flag Collection
M-256 - Spanish American War Scrapbook
M-285 - Spanish Document
M-176 - Steiner, Paul E. Manuscript, Second Regiment MO Volunteers of African Descent
M-450 - Stereopticon Slide Collection
M-220 - Stix, Baer and Fuller Collection
M-231 - Stockton, Rich
M-089 - Sundry Book
M-297 - Swift & Company Papers
M-409 - John L. & James C. Sutton Blacksmith Collection
M-091 - Tevis Civil War Scrapbook Collection
M-165 - Theater Programs / Minnie Milne Collection
M-122 - James S. Thomas Collection
M-092 - Thomas, Chester L.
M-224 - Thomas, V.
M-093 - Eugene A. Atwater St. Louis Tornado Photographs
M-378 - Trans World Airlines Collection
M-234 - C harles Trefts Photographs
M-397 - Turley Collection
M-432 - Turner, Capt. V. E.
M-094 - Mark Twain Autograph
M-192 - Tyler, John
M-095 - UNITE Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees
M-272 - Utopia Collection
M-133 - The University Club Archives
M-277 - Vaughan Civil War Transcript
M-188 - Vehicle Top and Supply Company Scrapbook
M-221 - Voelker Collection
M-294 - Voelker Scrapbook on Missouri
M-222 - Walker, R.J. Secretary of the Treasury, 1801-1869
M-096 - Eugene Ware Letters
M-351 - George Washington Collection
M-097 - Norbury Wayman Collection
M-109 - Webster Collection
M-287 - Webster, Daniel
M-098 - Western American Life Collection
M-387 - Western History Association Archives Collection
M-276 - Westerners' Organization, St. Louis Chapter, Archives
M-311 - Wetumka, Indian Territory, Archive of
M-239 - Wherry Autograph
M-200 - White, (Bishop) William
M-099 - Whitney Genealogy
M-199 - Whyte Scrapbook
M-223 - Wilkinson, James
M-100 - William Douthit - Urban League Collection
M-362 - Williams, Mary L. L.
M-101 - Williams - Territorial Broadside
M-177 - Wilstack, Dr. C. F.
M-102 - Woods Family Papers
M-286 - Berth Hewit Woolrych Collection
M-446 - World Map Collection
M-249 - World Travel Film & Slides (G. Smith)
M-139 - World War I Pamphlet
M-115 - World War II Japan/ China Atrocity Photos
M-298 - World War II Scrapbooks
M-377 - Worth, Patience
M-103 - Wright, June B.
M-104 - Yeatman Family Album
M-241 - Young, Robert A, III
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Direct questions or comments regarding this site to
The Saint Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis
Charles Brown
Reference Services,
St. Louis Subject Specialist