
M-385: History of Mormonism Collection

Repository St. Louis Mercantile Library Special Collections

Title History of Mormonism Collection

Date ca. 1900 - 1970

Extent 21.0 Linear feet 14 record boxes

Location note Depository (Off-site)

Language English

Abstract The History of Mormonism Collection consists of pamphlets, tracts, and other mostly short publications by and about the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.

Scope and Contents note: Collection M-385 consists of tracts, pamphlets and other publications by and about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The resources generally following the themes of life, history, religion, Mormonism in the western United States, and schooling. Most of the resources in the collection are from the 20th century and English-language, but there is a sizeable amount of material in other languages as well.

Arrangement note: This collection is arranged to the box level.

Conditions Governing Access note: This collection is open for research.

This collection is currently stored off-site. Please contact the Library at 314-516-7247 to arrange a time to view the collection in our reading room.

Conditions Governing Use note:

Access Restrictions: Some of the material in this collection may be photocopied, digitally scanned or photographed, subject to condition and the judgment of Library staff. Library staff members reserve the right to deny reproduction services for any reason at any time.

Copyright Information: The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Fee Services: Fees associated with staff research time, cost recovery in reproductions processing time and materials, and licensing may apply.

Collection Inventory

Box 1 Foreign publications, non English, worldwide.

Box 1 Tracts, beliefs, missions. Cultural, social description.

Box 2 Mormon historical reports, tracts, and pamphlets, 20th century.

Box 3 Mormonism: tracts, teaching, non-Utah or non English, 20th century.

Box 4 Mormonism - teacher's supplements, genealogy, Sunday school.

Box 4 Mormonism - multilanguage publications.

Box 5 Mormonism - tracts, mostly Utah, 20th century.

Box 6 Mormonism - mostly Salt Lake City; LDS tracts, music, teaching, criticism, polygamy.

Box 7 Mormons - life, history, religion. Salt Lake City imprints.

Box 8 Mormon tracts, 20th century, foreign language, worldwide.

Box 9 Mormonism - 20th century religious pamphlets: life, government, music, art, Utah; Salt Lake City Imprints.

Box 10 Mormon 20th century religion tracts, discussion, schools

Box 11 Mormons 20th century, West - Salt Lake City, Tracts, Religion

Box 12 Mormon Life - Utah, west; church politics; children; music; philosophy; Sunday Schools.

Box 12 Mormonism - reports, tracts, pamphlets

Box 13 Mormonism - 20th century tracts, mostly Utah.

Box 13 Mormonism - history, philosophy, cultural

Box 14 Mormonism - west, music, schools