
M-123: Confederate Imprint Collection

DATE: 1861-1865

CREATOR: various

SCOPE: Material printed in the American Confederacy, mostly laws of the secessionist legislatures, but including literary pieces, medical and scientific works, and other topical tracts.

EXTENT: Approximately 50 items.

HISTORY: This collection was gathered from the general collections of the Mercantile Library almost in its entirety and bears witness to the fact that the Library collected many items printed in the Confederacy as the war wore on. The Library itself was an intellectual battlefield during the Civil War in a border state, and many of these works were probably collected as a result of its having a strong Southern sympathizer as its head librarian through 1862; the fact that the collection is relatively small undoubtedly indicates the suppression of similar items after this date by a strong Unionist board of directors and its hand-picked head librarian. Additional items are occasionally added to this collection.

ACCESS: This collection is available for on-site use only in the Rare Book and Manuscripts Reading Room. Some of the material in Special Collection M-123 may be photocopied, digitally scanned or photographed, subject to condition. For collections marked limited access, researchers are advised to contact the library at least three business days in advance of their visit to submit a request to view the physical material.

Researchers are advised to call ahead concerning changes in hours due to University intersessions and holidays. The St. Louis Mercantile Library is located on levels one and two of the Thomas Jefferson Library building.

In observance of security procedures, certain services may not be available shortly before the daily closing time.

Preferred Citation: When citing the material from this collection, the preferred citation is: From the Special Collections of the St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri – St. Louis.