
M-283: Citizens for Educational Freedom: Part 2

HISTORY: Citizens for Educational Freedom is a national, non-profit, non-sectarian corporation found in St. Louis in 1959, with headquarters in the Washington, D.C. area since 1962, of citizens and supporting groups of every race, color, creed and political party to promote the primary rights of parents with regard to freedom of choice, justice and quality and education for all, regardless of wealth, color or creed by allocating a fair share of educational tax dollars to each child to take to the school of the parents' choice while protecting parents and schools from undue government regulation and control.

SCOPE: CEF Board minutes, papers, documents, and promotional material.

HOLDINGS: 10 linear feet

See also, Citizens for Educational Freedom, Part 1

ACCESS: Some of the material in Special Collection M-283 may be photocopied, digitally scanned or photographed, subject to condition.

*Important* this collection is housed in an off site location and is therefore not available on demand. Patrons are urged to contact the library before their arrival. Contact information is provided below, or by calling 314-516-7247.

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Charles Brown
Reference Services,
St. Louis Subject Specialist