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Spring 2023 Trainings

Supervisor Listening Sessions 

Work Prioritization Panel Discussion - download slides

We know workload is high across the university. And when workload is high, prioritization becomes imperative. Join us for this session where panelists will share strategies for prioritizing your own work and for having work prioritization conversations with your supervisor and or direct reports.

To learn more about Covey's 7 habits of highly effective people check out these Percipio trainings and/or the FranklinCovey website.

And to learn more about Tasks by Planner, check out these Percipio trainings and/or this tutorial referenced during the session.

Building & Protecting Your Energy - download slides

Feeling a little burnt out? Join us for this session where we attempt to identify some personal energizers and drainers and consider how we can build and protect our energy by maximizing our energizers and reducing our drainers.

Getting Started with Microsoft Teams

We would like to highlight an upcoming professional development opportunity hosted by Information Technology Services (ITS). ITS invites you to this hands-on Microsoft Teams workshop. If you're new to Microsoft Teams or interested in learning more about this collaborative tool, plan to join us for this basic session. Participants will learn what Microsoft Teams is, the best practices for using the platform, and how to use some of its features. Bring a colleague, and let's get started using Microsoft Teams!

Conflict Resolution Workshop for Supervisors

Conflicts are an inevitable component of organizational life. And effectively approaching, navigating, and resolving conflicts and issues as they arise is essential for fostering a healthy organizational culture. If you are a supervisor at UMSL looking to enhance your conflict resolution skills, join us for this in-person workshop facilitated by conflict resolution practitioner Marlo Goldstein Hode.

Addressing Incivility for Supervisors - download slides

According to a Harvard Business Review poll of thousands of workers, 98% of workers report experiencing uncivil behavior at work. Workplace  incivility  has consequences for employee engagement, innovation, productivity, customer satisfaction, and more. And supervisors have a critical role in  ensuring instances of incivility do not go unaddressed or progress to more severe behaviors. Help us continue to cultivate a positive workplace environment and culture by joining us for this session, where we will take a case-based approach to discussing what supervisors can to do interrupt  incivility  in the workplace. 

Compassionate Candor - download slides

Giving and receiving feedback is a fundamental component of a positive workplace environment and high performance. Compassionate Candor is a framework developed by former Apple and Google executive, Kim Scott, which categorizes feedback interactions based on the degree to which the feedback demonstrates a willingness to care personally while challenging directly. Join us for this session to learn more about this framework and practice crafting compassionately candid feedback interactions. 

Pulse Survey Debrief - download slides, recording

A pulse survey is a frequently repeated, short survey that allows the organization to learn views and track progress on areas of focus. We began offering pulse surveys at UMSL in January of 2022 and recently completed our third round. Join us for this session where we talk about the newest data and how it compares to earlier data.

Supervisors: Performance Evaluation Series 

Part One | Evaluation Foundations - download slides

This session will cover the purpose of performance and how to ensure that they function as a growth tool. It will also provide strategies and best practices for preparing to conduct performance evaluations. 

Part Two | Calibration 

It is important that all supervisors have a shared understanding and consistent application of the performance evaluation scale, this session is designed to facilitate that consistency. We will also discuss how to create a shared understanding of the scale within your unit. 

Part Three | Coaching Conversations 

In this session, we will equip supervisors to confidently conduct coaching conversations with high performers as well as with employees who are underperforming.

Part Four | Understanding the Rating Scale 

This session will cover any recent changes that have been made to the language of the performance rating scale, provide strategies for differentiating between similar performance ratings, and give participants a change to practice rating performance.

Part Five | Technical Session  

View Video Session

In this 30-minute session, we will walk you through how to navigate the performance rating system and enter ratings, comments, etc. This session will be recorded and posted on the HR website after the session for supervisors to reference as needed throughout the performance appraisal process.

Part 6 | Panel Discussion 

Join us for this session to hear from current UMSL supervisors Lisa Capone, Liane Constantine, and Dan Freet as they answer questions about and share strategies for, advice on, and experiences with conducting performance appraisals and coaching conversations. 

All Staff: Performance Appraisal Series

Part 1 – Self Appraisals - download slides

The window for completing self-appraisals is from April 10 – April 28. As you begin drafting your self appraisal, join us for this session, which seeks to cover everything employees need to know about drafting self-appraisals including why self-appraisals are important, how they are used, what goes into a self appraisal, and more.    

Part 2 – Understanding the Process - download slides

The waiting period between submitting your self-appraisal and having your progress check in with your supervisor can be suspenseful and may even be a source of anxiety for some, but understanding the process can help. Join us for this session to gain a better understanding of the performance appraisal process, what goes on after you submit your self appraisal, and what to expect next.

Part 3 – Approaching Feedback - download slides

Performance appraisals are designed to be a growth and development tool. Join us for this session where we discuss frameworks and strategies for approaching feedback that maximize the feedback’s positive effect on your growth and development. 

Part 4 – What Now? - download slides

So, you’ve had your performance check-in with your supervisor... now what? Join us for this session which seeks to cover everything an employee needs to know after receiving a performance evaluation including how to use your performance evaluation for career growth and what to do if you disagree with your evaluation.

Stand Alone Sessions

Pulse Survey Debrief - download slides

At UMSL we place a high value on employee input and feedback. As such, we are grateful for the input and feedback we received via the recent pulse survey. Join us for this 50 minute session as we unpack the new data and compare it to the data from the pulse survey conducted last year.

The Fearless Organization – Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Growth, and Innovation - download slides

According to Harvard Business School Professor Amy Edmonson, hiring talent isn’t enough – psychological safety is essential to unleashing that talent and creating value. A psychologically safe workplace is one that is safe for interpersonal risk-taking. When interpersonal risk is minimized, employees feel free to contribute ideas, share information, and report mistakes, thus organizational performance can be maximized. In her book “The Fearless Organization” Amy Edmundson offers a framework for building and reinforcing psychological safety in the workplace. Join us for this session to learn more about psychological safety and how to cultivate it on your team.

Information Security Updates and Improvements

In today's world the importance of IT security cannot be understated. Hackers are continually innovating and finding more effective strategies, and IT Security offices are continually evaluating and updating procedures and safeguards. To that end, UMSL IT is implementing new security improvements and has recommendations on how all UMSL users can assist. Join us for this one-hour session to learn more about these new improvements and get your IT security questions answered.

Navigating Pregnancy on Campus - download slides

This one-hour session will answer common questions asked by pregnant employees and students trying to navigate the campus community. The presenters will help unveil the mystery of Title IX, Title VII, ADA, and FMLA related to pregnancy and explain how and where to make pregnancy assistance requests and/or referrals.

Addressing Workplace Incivility - download slides

According to a Harvard Business Review poll of thousands of workers, 98% of workers report experiencing uncivil behavior at work. Workplace incivility has consequences for employee engagement, innovation, productivity, customer satisfaction, and more. And if left unaddressed, incivility can progress to even more severe behaviors. Help us continue to cultivate a positive workplace environment and culture by joining us for this session, where we will take a case-based approach to discussing strategies for interrupting instances of incivility in the workplace.

Staff Compensation Training - download slides

In the last year, UMSL has rolled out both merit and market-based pay increases for a number of employees. Understandably, pay is an important topic for employees. As such, we would like to offer opportunities for staff to learn more about the staff pay structure at the university. If you’re interested in learning more about staff pay at UMSL, we hope you will join us for one of the upcoming compensation information sessions. 


Supervisor Development Series

This development series is comprised of 7 “Tracks” which are intended to provide staff, new to the supervisor role, or new to the role at the University, the information and resources they need to be effective managers of resources and supervisors of their staff, while being compliant with HR laws and University policies.

Performance Reviews: HBR 20 Minute Manager Series

Performance reviews are critical to your employees' development! Check out this audiobook available on percipio to learn more about how to gather and analyze the right information; document your assessment; conduct the performance check-in meeting; invest in high performers; address performance problems; assist with goal setting, and more in just over an hour of listening.

HR Hiring Series

Hiring Series Part I: Job Postings - download slides

The Staff Job Posting form will make us more efficient and effective once we all get comfortable using it. Join us for a 30-minute session covering how to complete the form, the timeline for job postings, and some common errors to avoid so that you don't encounter unnecessary delays during this important process.

Hiring Series Part II: Screening, Interviewing & Making Offers

Join us for part two of our hiring series. In this session, we will provide guidance and best practices around reviewing applications, reducing interviewer bias, making an offer, and the steps to complete the process within eRecruit.

Hiring Series Part III: Onboarding

A good onboarding process increases new employee effectiveness, engagement, and job satisfaction while reducing turnover and enriching organizational culture. Join us for part three of our hiring series as we discuss the onboarding process to make sure you are gaining all the benefits a good onboarding process has to offer.

Wellness Center Series

Real Appeal Q&A

Real Appeal is UnitedHealthcare's personalized online weight-loss program available to adults with UM-sponsored medical insurance who have a BMI of 23 or greater. Learn more about the program during this Q&A session.

January Lunch & Learn – Preventive Care

This Lunch & Learn will educate you on preventive care and why it is important to have regular screenings and checkups.

February Lunch & Learn – Heart Health

This Lunch and Learn will educate you on basic functions of the heart, risk factors for developing heart disease, and the warning signs of a heart attack. We will also highlight the key components to leading a healthier lifestyle and how your health numbers can impact your overall well-being.

Learn more and register for a Wellness training on the UM System website.