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Personal Safety Tips

A high percentage of crimes on campus are crimes of opportunity. Members of the campus community can assist the Police Department by following some simple suggestions.

Be protective of your possessions and University property

  • Always lock your office or residence room, even when you step out for a few minutes. 
  • If you have valuables in your office, don't leave them in your office overnight. 
  • Don't leave purses or other valuables unattended, no matter how briefly. Take them with you or keep them locked in a secure cabinet out of sight. 
  • Keep your desks and file cabinets locked when you are away.
  • Don't store money in desk drawers or file cabinets. 
  • Make copies of credit cards and other valuables in your wallet. 
  • Report all losses to the University Police immediately.

Stay alert to your own safety when walking

  • Call 314-516-5155 for an escort if you do not feel safe walking.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and know if you are being followed.
  • At night, walk in-groups of at least two and stay on the main walkways.
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of emergency phones. 
  • Do not hesitate to call the campus police at any time.

Keep safe while driving, or returning to your vehicle

  • When parking, remove valuables from view (including power cords for electronic devices) and lock your vehicle.
  • Engrave your valuables with your driver's license number and record serial numbers (Project IDENT - call 314-516-5155 for assistance).
  • Check inside your vehicle before entering to make sure no one is hiding inside.
  • Have car keys in your hand when approaching vehicle to avoid having to look for them.
  • Be alert to any activity near your car. Pay attention to your surroundings.
  • Be suspicious of people asking for directions or change, or giving out flyers. 
  • When stopping in traffic, leave enough distance between your car and the car in front of you, so you can pull away quickly if necessary. 
  • Be alert when using drive-up automated teller (ATM) machines. 

Protect your identity

Much of today's society is based on the exchange of information. With specific information, a thief can access your credit, your bank accounts and even establish and use new accounts in your name, as if they were their own.

When a person steals information about you, whether the information is used or not, they have committed a crime. Identity theft is the act of "stealing" or using another person's personal and/or financial information, including your social security number, date of birth, bank account numbers, credit card account numbers, personal identification numbers (PIN) for automatic teller machines, etc.

 REMEMBER: If a situation appears suspicious, or you think it's unusual, call the Campus Police.