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Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment Policy

The University of Missouri-St. Louis is committed to providing an environment for its students, faculty, staff and visitors that will, to the greatest extent possible, preclude the occurrence of sexual assault. In keeping with this commitment, the University maintains a strict policy prohibiting sexual assault in any form, including acquaintance rape.

Any student who is sexually assaulted on University property or at any University-sponsored or supervised activity may obtain redress through the University disciplinary code and local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.

University police officers will treat all complaints regarding sexual assault with the highest possible level of confidentiality.

A student of the University found to have violated this sexual assault policy shall be subject both to disciplinary action by the University up to and including dismissal and prosecution by appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Consideration And Rights to be afforded to students who are victims of sexual assault on University property or at University sponsored or supervised events

  1. The right to have all sexual assaults against them investigated and the right, as victims, to be treated with dignity.
  2. The right to have sexual assault committed against them investigated and adjudicated by the duly constituted criminal and civil authorities of the governmental entity in which the crimes occurred.  At the University of Missouri–St. Louis this will normally be in St. Louis County Circuit Court. Full and prompt assistance by campus personnel in notifying the police.
  3. The right to be free from pressure that would suggest that the victim:
    • Not report crimes committed against them to civil and criminal authorities, or to campus law enforcement and disciplinary officials.
    • Report crimes as lesser offenses than the victim perceives them to be.
  4. The right to be free from suggestions that sexual assault victims not report, or under-report crimes because:
    • Victims are somehow "responsible" for the commission of crimes against them.
    • Victims are contributory, negligent, or assumed the risk of being assaulted.
    • By reporting crimes they would incur unwanted personal publicity.
  5. The right to full and prompt cooperation from campus personnel in responding to the incident.
  6. The right to access counseling services established by the University or other victim-service entities.
  7. The right to require that campus personnel take the necessary steps or actions reasonably feasible to prevent unwanted contact or proximity with alleged assailants.
  8. The right to be informed of any campus disciplinary proceedings and the outcome of such proceedings.
  9. The same right to assistance, or ability to have others present, that is afforded to the accused during any campus disciplinary proceedings.