Writing Institute
Leadership in the Teaching of Writing
The Institute offers a rich opportunity to grow as a writer and as a teacher of writing. We are confident that participation in the Institute will become a pivotal experience in one’s professional life. GWP not only encourages educators to take leadership roles in their own educational settings, but once they graduate the Writing Institute they become GWP Teacher Consultants and valued leaders within our Writing Project Network. Through the Institute, participants will earn six hours of either English or Education graduate credit at the cost of UMSL graduate credit rate.
Interested in learning more? Download information here, email us, or join us for Dinner & Demo on April 24th, 2025. Enjoy dinner and the company of GWP teacher consultants as you get the opportunity to learn about our programs. Contact us with questions at gwp@umsl.edu.

- write, revise, and prepare their own writing for in-house publication
- study current theory/research, especially research by teachers of writing
- demonstrate their teaching practices
- think, talk, read, and write about best practices in the company of peers
- apply what they learn to their educational setting
Course expectations; creating a portfolio that includes:
- your own writing, including a reflection on process and progress through the Institute
- a writing lesson demo, presented to peers in the Institute and reworked based on feedback
- inquiry into writing in your practice, including: gathering resources, reading, annotating, presenting findings, and planning for implementation
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GWP Directors
Tracy Brosch,
358 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121
(314) 402-1844
Diana Hammond,
369 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121
Katie O'Daniels,
302 Marillac Hall
1 University Blvd.
StL, MO 63121
(314) 516-5578