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Policies and Resources

New and updated policies originating at the UM System level or in the Office of Academic Affairs are posted on this page. Please check back often to ensure that you have up-to-date information.

Policies and Information for Faculty:

 Teaching/Classroom Policies 

Title Description Policy Author / Approver Last Revision Date

Instructor of Record

Defines categories of instructors, including

primary instructor, secondary instructor, course director, graduate instructor, graduate teaching assistant and course administrator to ensure an accurate record of the teaching assignments of faculty delivering instruction

UMSL Academic Affairs/ Approved by Faculty Senate Academic Advisory Committee

October 2023

Roster/Enrollment Verification Policy

Describes faculty member’s obligations to verify students’ attendance at the beginning of each semester to help with the distribution of financial aid and to keep UMSL in compliance with federal financial aid guidelines.

Recommended by University Assembly Recruitment, Admissions, Retention and Student Financial Aid Committee (RARFSA); approved by the Faculty Senate


Emergency Notification Policy

Describes guidelines regarding maintaining the ability to receive emergency notifications for all class-related activities and gatherings

Approved by the Faculty Senate


Academic Dishonesty/ Student Integrity

Defines student integrity and explains what a faculty member should do if they suspect a student of academic dishonesty  

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Office


Class Visitation Policies

Describes policies regarding when a Dean or Department Chair can or should visit a class

UMSL Academic Affairs



Faculty Office Hours

Describes expectations that faculty will be available to meet with students outside of regular class time

Approved by the Council of Deans

November 2001

Faculty Absence During a Semester 

Describes expectations regarding faculty members’ absences during the semester 



Student Absence Policy for University-Sanctioned Activities

Describes expectations for faculty regarding supporting students who miss class to take part in university-sanctioned activities such as intercollegiate athletics, music ensembles, etc. 

Faculty Senate Academic Advisory Committee; Approved by Faculty Senate


Confidentiality of Grades 

Describes acceptable ways for faculty to notify students of their grades.  

UMSL Academic Affairs  

 July 2024 

Final Exams

Describes the policy regarding when faculty may schedule final exams and how students may ask to reschedule them.  

Approved by Faculty Senate


Unreported Grades

Describes what occurs if a faculty member fails to report a course grade.

Approved by the Council of Deans

November 2016


 Course and Program Development Policies



Policy Author / Approver

Last Revision Date

Curriculum Development/Changes

Describes the procedures to create/update/change a course or program; provide a list of the approved course/program proposals

Faculty Senate



Promotion and Tenure Documents 



Policy Author / Approver

Last Revision Date

Unit Tenure and Promotion Policies

Describes how units should have revisions to their promotion standards approved and expectations regarding how these policies relate to UM System, campus, and college guidelines.

UMSL Academic Affairs


UMSL Campus Tenure and Promotion Guidelines (including NTT Promotion) 

Resource page for Promotion and Tenure and UMSL, including campus-level guidelines, timelines, and instructions on using MyVita and finding unit standards.  

UMSL Academic Affairs  

NA - Various 

UM System Policies and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure  Describes the UM System Guidelines and Procedures Regarding Tenure and Promotion for Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty.   UM System Board of Curators   9/8/2020 
Extensions on the Probationary Period for Tenure-Track Faculty  Describes the rules and criteria for extending the tenure clock for tenure-track faculty.  UM System Board of Curators  5/13/2018 


Faculty Hiring Policies 



Policy Author / Approver

Last Revision Date

 Immigration Documents

Describes who may sign immigration documents for employees who need work authorization and provides information on who to consult about employee immigration questions.

 UMSL Academic Affairs

 April 2024

Faculty Hiring Practices and Resources  

Link to HR’s Hiring Toolbox, with information regarding processes for hiring full-and part-time faculty, post-docs, position advertising, reference checks, hiring international scholars etc. 

UMSL Human Resources

 NA - Various 


Special Faculty Appointments (Department Chair, Curators’ Professors, Endowed Professors, etc.)  



Policy Author / Approver

Last Revision Date

Department Chair Compensation Policy

Describes the standard components of support and compensation for Department Chairs

UMSL Academic Affairs

Spring 2022

Nomination Procedures for Curators’ Professorships and Curators’ Teaching Professorships  

 Procedures and deadlines to nominate UMSL faculty to Curators’ Professor appointments 

UMSL Academic Affairs / UM System Board of Curators  

Fall 2022  

5-Year Review Process for Curators’ Professors  

Describes UMSL’s process for reviewing Curators’ Professors every five years for potential reappointment as specified in the UM System Collected Rules.   

UMSL Academic Affairs

 Fall 2022 

5-Year Review Process for Endowed/Named Professorships  

Describes UMSL’s process for reviewing Endowed Professors every five years for potential reappointment.   

UMSL Academic Affairs

Fall 2022  

Founders Professors

Describes the criteria and process through which retiring faculty may request a part-time, temporary, Founders Professorship

UMSL Academic Affairs

Spring 2024

Emeritus/Emerita Titles  

Describes the process through which retiring, full-time faculty may request emeritus/emerita titles and who is eligible for these titles; explains the implications of having emeritus status  

UMSL Academic Affairs / Board of Curators

Fall 2023  


Other Faculty Policies  



Policy Author / Approver

Last Revision Date

Research and Development Leave Request Process for Faculty 

Describes the process through which full-time faculty may request research or development leave   

UMSL Academic Affairs


Copyright Policies

Describes UM System copyright policies pertaining to faculty and other employees


UM System Board of Curators




Faculty Participation in Commencement Ceremonies 

Describes expectations regarding faculty participation in commencement ceremonies   



Faculty Misconduct

Describes how to report potential faculty misconduct with a link to the reporting form and UM System Policies defining misconduct.

UMSL Academic Affairs / UM System Board of Curators


Teaching and Research Grant Buy-Out Policy

Describes the policies through which faculty who have been awarded external grants may buy out teaching or research

UMSL Academic Affairs



Information for Faculty (reports, white papers, etc)  



Policy Author / Approver

Last Revision Date

Evaluating Classroom-Based, Online, Blended and Laboratory Teaching Interactions


Intercampus Faculty Council

June 18, 2018

Child Care Task Force Report

Summary of the findings and recommendations of the Task Force appointed in 2022 to address the implications of the closing of the Child Care Center.

UMSL Child Care Task Force

February, 2022


General Miscellaneous Policies 



Policy Author / Approver

Last Revision Date

Teaching Responsibilities

Describes the faculty teaching responsibilities during the academic year


Last updated: February 9, 2000


Policies for Students:




Policy Author

Last Revision Date

Cancellation of Student Registration

Policy on Administrative Cancellation of Student Registration for Nonpayment of Educational Fees



 Wait List 

 Describes the procedure through which students may be placed on a wait list for classes that have reached enrollment capacity. 

Grade Appeals  

Describes the procedure through which students may appeal their final grade in a course. 

UMSL Academic Affairs 

 April 2010 

Student Absence Policy for University-Sanctioned Activities

Describes expectations for students regarding notifying instructors when they need to miss class to take part in university-sanctioned activities such as intercollegiate athletics, music ensembles, etc. 

Approved by Faculty Senate


Policy on Call-Up of Service members 

Describes the policy for readmitting students forced to interrupt their study or suspend it to perform military service. 



Posthumous Degree 

Describes the process of nominating a student for a posthumous degree, including the criteria, process, venue for awarding degrees and timeline for notifying the students’ surviving friends and family.



Revoking Degrees, Diplomas, or Certificates 

Describes the process for rescinding or revoking a degree after it was awarded, including acceptable causes.  

UM System Collected Rules and Regulations  
