Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Am I allowed to purchase my University Computer Program (UCP) computer “as-is” at the end of its lifecycle for my personal use?
No, all University Computer Program (UCP) computers and accessories must be returned to ITS to have the data on them securely removed. Purchases of university property would need to be coordinated through the University of Missouri Surplus Department.
What if the University Computer Program (UCP) machine provided to me from the previous person in my position is not sufficient to meet the positions requirements?
The computer you are issued should be provided by ITS and should be newly configured prior to it being issued to you. If it does not meet your requirements, discuss your needs with your supervisor and your Units Business Manager for review and consideration.
I accepted another position within the university. When should I expect my new workstation?
The University Computer Program (UCP) program links the user and system together. The policy is that the system and accessories move with the user into the new position.
Do Emeritus employees qualify for the University Computer Program (UCP)?
When a faculty member is granted Emeritus status and will continue to actively conduct research, grant work or other university related work, they are eligible to retain the UCP system currently assigned to them until the system reaches end of life as determined by ITS. If the faculty member requires a replacement system, the department will be required to fund the replacement following the exception process above.
If the Emeritus faculty member ceases to actively conduct research, grant work or other university related work ITS should be notified by the UCP contact or Unit Business Manger to pick up the UCP system.
I have retired, am I able to keep my UCP computer?
The UCP computer and accessories assigned to the retiree must be returned to ITS immediately. All data and software will be securely removed.
I have an employee who will retire, who I would like to offer to return part time. Are they able to keep their UCP in their new part time position?
Employees who are less than 75% FTE are not eligible for the UCP. In these situations, the Unit Business Manager can work with ITS to convert the system to a departmentally owned computer using a predetermined formula.
If my position requires me to have a desktop computer, can I have a departmental laptop purchased as well?
No, the standard offering for the UCP program will be a laptop. Users should only need to have a single computer. If the position requires multiple devices the Standard Offering Exception process would apply:
Exceptions to the standard computer can be reviewed under the following conditions:
- Documented requirements for the need for a different operating system, special hardware configurations, or other special needs not afforded under the standard option.
- Unit Business manager approves of the request.
- College, School or Division lead approves the need.
If the above 3 requirements are fulfilled, then the following must be observed:
- Technology Purchase Request including the above criteria is submitted, and CFO/CIO or their delegate approves the exception.
- The end user's unit/department will be financially responsible for any difference in cost above the current provided standard offering.
- The department acknowledges that support may be limited on the device and may not receive the full extent of support offered by ITS.
Departments shall assume the cost of any computers, upgrades, or additional peripherals beyond the standard workstation that is provided as part of the UCP.
Can I purchase my own computer and be reimbursed by UMSL?
No, all computer hardware must be purchased through ITS.
Can I use Grant money or Startup funds to purchase departmental computers?
The same policies and processes for purchasing would apply regardless of the source of funding. Department computer needs should be discussed with the units Business Manager as an exception.
We are recruiting new faculty/staff can we include special computer requests within their job offer?
No, specific computer configurations should not be included in offers of employment. The UCP policies would apply to all employees.
When should I submit a UCP order for a new employee?
UCP orders should be submitted as early as possible to better allow the employee to have their UCP computer on their first day with UMSL. It is recommended to submit the order at the same as the job offer. Orders should be submitted at
Instead of the standard computer offering, am I allowed to purchase a tablet instead?
Tablets may not be purchased as part of the UCP, but may be purchased with Technology Purchase Request approval, using departmental funds. The request will need to have Unit Business Manager approval and include the business and/or academic requirements to justify the need. If approved, tablets must be procured through ITS, and will be properly configured for security and mobile device management. ITS is unable to support tablet hardware issues or anything beyond basic connectivity to the UMSL network.
How do I report a lost or stolen device?
Stolen items need to be reported to the UMSL Information Security Officer,, Campus Police and complete the UM System Form 155 “University of Missouri Disappearance of Assets and Money” and send to Business Services.
Who is responsible for the cost of a lost or stolen system?
Any employee who loses or has had stolen a university-owned system or device is responsible to notify the UMSL Information Security Officer,, Campus Police and complete the UM System Form 155 “University of Missouri Disappearance of Assets and Money” and send to Business Services. Any financial responsibility will be determined after investigation.
Based on my job requirements, I was approved for an Apple computer purchase exception. Am I able to include Apple Care with my purchase?
ITS will determine the best support options offered for all computer purchases.
What if the UCP system is no longer meeting my need what do I do?
Contact the Technology Support Center to discuss the issue. They will evaluate and provide recommendations on next steps.
I am an employee from another UM campuses but work at UMSL, do I qualify for the University Computer Program (UCP)?
No, the home campus of the employee would be the campus that provides/orders the system for the employee. Once the employee receives the computer, the Technology Support Center can assist connecting it to the network.