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Advertising a Position

Sharing the Job Posting

Advertising, networking and referrals help to spread the word about a job posting.


When a position is posted to UMSL’s external job postings lists (Faculty and Staff), the position is also posted to the websites listed below.  Note that it typically takes at least 24 – 48 hours for the position (or changes to the position) to be posted on these sites.  The posting typically remains on external sites until the posting period closes or for 30 days, whichever is sooner.  

Units are encouraged to advertise in outlets that are specific to the unit, the industry or the role. HR has partnered with Graystone Group Advertising to simplify this process. Graystone Group Advertising will work with you to advertise the position. Costs are the responsibility of the unit and are included with all quotes. Contact the HR Recruiting team if you would like to use Graystone for advertising.

Units are also encouraged to review this list of discipline-specific recruitment resources created by Montana State University’s NSF ADVANCE program. This list also includes information on directories of women and minority faculty and PhD candidates as well as general recruitment resources.


UMSL employees may also use their own networks to spread the word about the position.  Consider posting a message on your LinkedIn or Facebook page encouraging people to apply.  Also reach to professional associations and industry listservs to encourage applicants.


Actively encourage colleagues to refer qualified individuals in their network.