
Please note: Probation holds must be lifted by the Graduate Program Director, through MyView, effective February 2, 2019. Information on this process can be found in the Graduate Program Directors handbook.
- Access the General Advising Form. Updated January 2018
- Please be sure to check this page for Financial Aid Issues for Advisors to Consider.
- Click here for Advisor instructions to the M4/G10 graduation application.
- For GPD/Advisor use only: Submit a Request for a Student Sub-Plan Change[must sign in with SSOid and password]
- Instructions for submitting an SAP Appeal
Frequent Questions or Problems - Check out information regarding the 2 + 3 Program
SAP Financial Aid Student Appeal Process
Steps to complete the Graduate SAP Appeal Process
- A graduate student receives notification from Financial Aid (FA) that they are ineligible for financial aid. That student is entered by FA into MyConnect, indicating that they need to file an SAP Appeal.
- The graduate student must obtain the Graduate SAP Appeal Form and complete the student information. Note that this form is different from the form for undergraduates.
- The student must make an appointment with their academic advisor to discuss their academic situation and devise a plan.
- During the meeting between the student and the advisor, the student will be advised of the steps needed to resolve the academic issue, including, when appropriate, a probation plan to raise the GPA.
- The advisor approves the plan and electronically signs the SAP Appeal form. The advisor may also decide not to approve the SAP Appeal.
- The advisor or the Graduate Program Director for the program must upload the SAP Appeal Form and a justification for the decision to MyConnect. They must also raise the flag in MyConnect so that the Director of the Graduate School can review the appeal. Note that this cannot be done by e-mail.
- The Director of the Graduate School reviews the appeal and either approves the appeal or not.
- Appeals approved by the advisor and the Graduate School are reviewed by FA, which then lifts the suspension so that the student can receive financial aid.
Instructions for Advisor or Graduate Program Director to submit SAP Appeal Forms in MyConnect
Reasons for suspension of student financial aid
GPA Requirements: Students must have an UMSL Cumulative Campus Grade Point Average (GPA) sufficient to meet University graduation requirements. Graduate students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.
Semester Hour Completion Rate: Students must complete at least 66.67% or two-thirds of the credits they attempt each semester. Attempted credits are defined as credits a student is enrolled in at the end of the 100% drop and add period (the first week of classes). If a student does not complete any classes or fails all classes, financial aid will be suspended immediately for future semesters.
Maximum Timeframe: Students must complete their degree program within 150 percent of the semester hour requirements for the degree. Graduate students are expected to complete a master’s degree within 54 semester hours. (Cases of graduate students exceeding the maximum timeframe of their degree will be reviewed by the Graduate School in regard to a SAP Appeal). Transfer credit is included in the maximum timeframe calculation. Transfer credits are used to determine your class level and progress toward a degree, even if you did not receive financial aid at the previous institutions.
Students who fail to meet one of the standards above will retain financial eligibility for one semester, but will be notified that they are at risk of losing eligibility. If, at the end of the semester, they continue to fail to meet the standards, they will be notified that their eligibility for financial aid has been suspended. (Students who completely withdraw from all classes during a semester in which aid was received, or completely withdraw after the last day to withdraw that semester without receiving a grade will be suspended immediately with no warning.)
The student appeal process
Suspended students will be notified in writing of the suspension and will be given an opportunity to appeal with instructions. The appeal form and supporting documentation should explain the reason behind the failure to meet standards and establish that those reasons will not prevent future success. Appeal forms are due by the second week of classes.
Students whose appeals are granted will be put on probation and informed if there are other actions they need to take. Students who are suspended because they’ve exceeded the maximum timeframe will be asked to provide a graduation plan signed by an advisor. Students who, after being placed on probation, fail to meet the academic progress standards and fail to comply with the terms of probation, their financial aid eligibility will be suspended.
Students should be prepared to seek other options if the appeal is not approved. Unless a student is academically dismissed by UMSL, a student denied financial aid generally may continue attending by funding their educational costs themselves.
For more detailed information about the financial aid Appeal process, see the SAP Appeal Roadmap for Graduate Students.
Frequent Questions or Problems
Q: I can’t find my student in MyConnect in the SAP appeal list.
A: Financial Aid may not have added the student to MyConnect. Contact Svetlana Veljkovich,, and ask her to review the student’s suspension and make sure the student is in MyConnect.
Q: My student does not understand why their financial aid was suspended.
A: The most common reasons for suspension of financial aid are: More information is provided here
- Low GPA: Graduate students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.
- Failure to complete credits in the prior semester. If a student does not complete any classes or fails classes, financial aid will be suspended for future semesters.
- Maximum Timeframe. Graduate students are expected to complete a master’s degree within 54 semester hours.
- More information is provided
Q: My student got a notification of suspension of financial aid because the student exceeded the hours for the degree, but the student is pursuing a second graduate degree (or a degree and a grad certificate).
A: This is common. Please contact Svetlana Veljkovich,, and explain this situation.
Q: The SAP appeal form seems wrong.
A: It is likely the undergraduate SAP Appeal form. Ask the student to complete the graduate SAP Appeal form
Q: I followed your instructions to upload the form to MyConnect, but I cannot upload it.
A: You may not have permission to upload SAP Appeal Forms. Graduate Program Directors typically have this access. You can contact Elizabeth Sampson,, for MyConnect help.