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Information for BES Student Internships

The Office of Clinical Experience works together with the Bachelor of Educational Studies (BES) to manage the internship portion of the program, designed for candidates who are completing an education degree outside the traditional classroom.

BES Interns will have the following professional opportunities:

  • Work in professional, yet informal, learning organizations in order to plan, develop, and implement site-based projects and programs.
  • Explore and deliver educational and outreach philosophies in informal education, while building professional identity, resilience, and a collaborative network of professionals.
  • Have choices in Internship 1 and Capstone of one of UMSL's partner sites or one of their choosing.

Candidates will have the distinct opportunity to intern with one of our many BES placement sites located throughout the St. Louis area once they complete the required course work and are approved to start. A few of UMSL's partner sites include:


Internships With Non-Partner Sites

Internship placement sites are carefully selected for each student and are dependent upon the student's area of emphasis and professional goals. Candidates also have the opportunity to choose a site that is not currently partnered with UMSL, including current employers. We will welcome new partner sites that will help candidates fulfill their goals related to their current development and future career. Candidates who wish to complete their internship with a non-partner site are required to reach out to the site and ensure that they are willing to host the candidate as an intern BEFORE submitting the organization information in the Internship Application. Many organizations find it helpful to review a copy of the BES Internship Handbook before agreeing to host an intern. Candidates who wish to complete their internship with a non-partner site must still complete the appropriate Internship Application in Kuali. To list a non-partner site as the first-choice site, the candidate must choose "Write in another organization" and enter the name of the organization, as well as the name and email address of the supervisor at their chosen site. They should also provide a second and third-choice site, in the event that the first-choice site is unable to host them as an intern.

Non-partner sites must be willing and able to:

  • Confirm with the UMSL Internship Coordinator that they are willing to host the intern.
  • Stay in frequent communication with the UMSL Internship Coordinator and UMSL Internship Supervisor.
  • Complete the required Agreement and Plan with the intern BEFORE the intern is able to enroll in the corresponding internship course (EDUC 4989, 4990, 4991).
  • Participate in a site visit with the UMSL Internship Supervisor.
  • Complete a mid-semester and end-of-semester evaluation on the intern.
  • Allow the intern to complete the required special project(s) that is above and beyond their regular internship duties.
  • Guarantee that the intern will have the opportunity to complete ALL required internship hours (120, 240, or 480).

The Office of Clinical Experience frequently posts internship opportunities to the BES Canvas organization. If you are a BES candidate and are not a member of this organization, please email Erika Rose at erose@umsl.edu to be added. Additionally, the following link(s) may help candidates find outside internship opportunities.

Introductory Internship 

The introductory internship (EDUC 4989) is the first step in gaining direct and meaningful clinical experience that focuses on one of the four BES areas of study. Candidates are eligible to participate in the introductory internship after they have satisfied 60 credit hours, having completed 12 of those credit hours in BES courses. This course requires 120 internship hours.

Capstone Internship 

The capstone internships (EDUC 4990 and 4991) are the final step towards graduating with a BES degree. Candidates can take part A (4990) of capstone in one semester and part B (4991) in the following semester or they can choose to take them in the same semester. Candidates are eligible to participate in the capstone internship after they have satisfied 90 credit hours and have completed the introductory internship with B- or better. EDUC 4990 and 4991 require 240 internship hours EACH.

Internship Application Process

After the internship applications for the program are academically audited, the Internship Coordinator will review the candidate's site preferences and send a placement request to the most suitable internship site. The candidate will be instructed to schedule an interview with the site supervisor to discuss the internship duties and work schedule, using the BES Internship Agreement and Plan. Candidates will need a consent number to register for each of the internship courses, which will be provided after they have returned a completed and signed BES Internship Agreement and Plan.

Specific details of what is expected of BES candidates during their internship course and experience will be listed within the syllabus and discussed with the candidates once they meet with their university faculty advisor. Students should also read the  BES Handbook.

For questions relating to the BES internship application process, please contact Erika Rose at erose@umsl.edu or  (314) 516-6792.

Upcoming BES Application Deadlines: 

Fall 2024

June 15, 2023

Spring 2025

October 15, 2024

Summer 2025

March 15, 2025

Fall 2025

June 15, 2025

Upcoming BES Internship Orientation Dates:

Fall 2024 August 22, 2024
9am - 11am