
UMSL College of Arts and Sciences Logo

Spring Session Calendar 2025

For Tenure and/or Promotion Timelines, please see timeline documents on the Academic Affairs website.

Standing Meetings

Policy Committee: Approximately every second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from 10:00 to 11:30am. [Dean's Conference Room 303 Lucas Hall]

  • M = Monday
  • T = Tuesday
  • W = Wednesday
  • Th = Thursday
  • F = Friday
  • Sa = Saturday
  • Su = Sunday
Spring 2025

January 14 (T)

Policy Committee Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

January 17 (F)

Dept Chairs, Program Directors & Assoc Deans - Monthly Meeting, 1:30-3:00 pm
(Millennium Student Center, The Chamber)

January 20 (M)

No Classes, Dr. Martin Luther King holiday.

January 21 (T)

SPRING SEMESTER Classes begin 8:00am.

January 28 (T)

Chair’s Coordination Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

January 31 (F)

Course and Curriculum changes for approval at the February College voting need to be entered into CourseLeaf and workflow progressed to CAS C & I Committee.

February 11 (T)

Policy Committee Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

February 13 (Th)

Administrative Leadership Development Lunch & Learn Seres, Noon-1:00 pm,
(Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

February 14 (F)

Dept Chairs, Program Directors & Assoc Deans - Monthly Meeting, 1:30-3:00 pm
(Millennium Student Center, The Chamber)

February 17 (M)

Last day students can drop a course without receiving a grade.

February 25 (T)

Chair’s Coordination Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

March 1 (Sa)

Promotion Review letters for all Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant
Teaching Professors, and Associate Teaching Professors due to the Dean’s Office.

March 1 (Sa)

Faculty and Staff annual reviews, signed effort reports, signed evaluations, and
recommended salary increases (if % known) due to the Dean’s Office.

March 5 (W)

Course and Curriculum changes for approval at the April College voting need to be entered into CourseLeaf and workflow progressed to CAS C & I Committee.
Curriculum changes entered in CourseLeaf after this date will not be considered by the College Curriculum & Instruction Committee until fall.

March 11 (T)

Policy Committee Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

March 13 (Th)

Administrative Leadership Development Lunch & Learn Seres, Noon-1:00 pm,
(Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

March 17 (M)

Last day students can drop a course or withdraw without instructor approval. EX
grade will be assigned.

March 22 (Sa)

Spring Recess begins 5:00pm.

March 25 (T)

NO Policy Committee or Chair’s Coordination Meeting.

March 31 (M)

Classes resume 8:00am.

April 8 (T)

Policy Committee Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

April 10 (Th)

Administrative Leadership Development Lunch & Learn Seres, Noon-1:00 pm,
(Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

April 11 (F)

Dept Chairs, Program Directors & Assoc Deans - Monthly Meeting, 1:30-3:00 pm
(Millennium Student Center, The Chamber)

April 16 (T)

Policy Committee Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

April 22 (T)

Last day for students to withdraw from a class. Instructor and Dean approval
needed. EX or EX-F will be assigned

April 22 (T)

Chair’s Coordination Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

May 8 (Th)

College of Arts & Sciences End of Semester Reception. Lucas Hall foyer (3rd floor)

May 10 (Sa)

Classes end 5:00pm.

May 12 (M)

Final Examinations begin.

May 13 (T)

Policy Committee Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas) (Final one of semester)

May 17 (Sa)

Spring Semester closes end of day

May 17 and 18
(Sa & Su)

Spring Commencement.

May 20 (T)

Grades are due by 5:00pm.

May 27 (T)

Chair’s Coordination Meeting, 10:00-11:30am (Dean’s Conference Room, 303 Lucas)

Summer 2025

May 19 (M)

SUMMER SESSION Classes begin 8:00am.

May 26 (M)

No Classes, Memorial Day holiday.

May 27 (T)

Classes resume 8:00am.

June 14 (Sa)

Summer Session I closes end of day.

June 17 (T)

Grades are due by 5:00pm.

June 16 (M)

Classes begin 8:00am.

June 19 (Th)

No classes, Juneteenth holiday

June 20 (F)

Classes resume 8:00am.

July 4 (F)

No Classes, Independence Day holiday (observed).

July 7 (M)

Classes resume 8:00am.

July 12 (Sa)

Summer Session II closes end of day.

July 15 (T)

Grades are due by 5:00pm.

July 14 (M)

Classes begin 8:00am.

August 9 (Sa)

Summer Session III closes end of day.

August 12 (T)

Grades are due by 5:00pm.

May 19 - July 12
(M - Sa)

(Summer Sessions I & II, above).

May 26 (M)

No Classes, Memorial Day holiday.

June 19 (Th)

No classes, Juneteenth holiday

July 4 (F)

No Classes, Independence Day holiday (observed).

July 9, 10, 11, & 12
(W, Th, F, & Sa)

Final Examinations.

July 15 (T)

Grades are due by 5:00pm.

June 16 - August 9
(M - Sa)

(Summer Sessions II & III, above).

June 19 (Th)

No classes, Juneteenth holiday

July 4 (F)

No Classes, Independence Day holiday (observed).

August 6, 7, 8, & 9
(W, Th, F, & Sa)

Final Examinations.

August 12 (T)

Grades are due by 5:00pm.

May 19 - August 9
(M - Sa)

(Summer Sessions I, II, & III, above).

May 29 (M)

No classes, Memorial Day

June 19 (Th)

No classes, Juneteenth holiday

July 4 (F)

No Classes, Independence Day holiday (observed).

August 6, 7, 8, & 9
(W, Th, F, & Sa)

Final Examinations.

August 12 (T)

Grades are due by 5:00pm.