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Transform UMSL: Review of Academic Programs 2020 - 2021

Revisiting the process launched in 2017-18, the 2020-21 Academic Program Prioritization (APP) Committee at the University of Missouri–St. Louis analyzed academic programs previously recommended for further review to make recommendations to the provost that may result in additional resource investments into programs aligned with the institution’s strategic areas of growth, strength, and excellence as well as the potential elimination, suspension, or alteration of other programs.

In consultation with the Faculty Senate Steering Committee, the Faculty Senate Educational Advisory Committee, and other key stakeholders on the 2020-21 APP Committee’s charge and timeline, the APP process is part of a longer-term institutional strategy for excellence in planning, operations and stewardship aligned with UMSL’s strategic plan. Academic programs that do not undergo review in 2020-21 are expected to be reviewed in the next APP cycle.

Institutional Research provided updated Academic Program Data to the campus community in July 2020 to inform the review process. The APP Committee provided its initial recommendations in February 2021 and solicited input/feedback. Note that the report is SSO/password protected.

A webinar was held February 19 to discuss stakeholder feedback and answer submitted questions. Additional discussions were held with campus stakeholders including the Budget and Planning Committee, Faculty Senate, Student Government Association, and the Academic Advisory & Assessment of Educational Outcomes Committee.

In March, the Chancellor's Cabinet voted to endorse a vast majority of the 60-plus Academic Program Prioritization Committee recommendations and asked that Provost Mora work with the deans and faculty to create implementation plans for these departments. There were, however, a few committee recommendations that the Cabinet indicated should be altered, which were shared with the campus community for additional feedback and comment.

Feedback on the Academic Program Prioritization process continues to be solicited through March 31.

Further information is available throughout this website to help inform and involve students, faculty and staff in the process. It contains data on UMSL programs, a list of committee members, FAQs and an online feedback mechanism.