HISTORY: Vaughan was a civilian clerk serving with the Quartermaster Corps of the Missouri State Guard. In Jan. 1862 he left the State Guard for a similar position with the 2nd Brigade of the Confederate volunteers commanded by B/G Slack.
SCOPE: The diary contains some descriptions of battles, including a map of the ground of Wilson Creek, which he visited several months after the battle. Of considerable interest are his descriptions of traveling in the wake of the Confederate army; the cost of procuring supplies for the soldiers, the disruptions of the supply systems, and his intense certainty in the justice of the southern cause and its ultimate victory.
HOLDINGS: Pencil manuscript contained in an leather bound day book.
ACCESS: Some of the material in Special Collection M-309 may be photocopied, digitally scanned or photographed, subject to condition.
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The Saint Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis
Charles Brown
Reference Services,
St. Louis Subject Specialist