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Certificate in Mobile Apps and Computing
The undergraduate certificate in Mobile Apps and Computing is a five-course (15 credit hour) program. It is designed to provide training in technologies and framework for mobile apps and computing. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required for admission.
A minimum of three courses must be taken from UMSL. Courses may be substituted with the permission of the certificate coordinator. For more information, students can contact the department chair or email info@arch.umsl.edu.
Students must have the following courses, take them as prerequisites, or have related background or experience. Additional areas/courses may be needed depending on specific chosen electives.
Computer Science: data structures such as Cmp Sci 2250, Java programming such as Cmp Sci 2261, and basic knowledge of networking and/or security such as Cmp Sci 3702 or 4730
Certificate Coordinator: Cezary Janikow
This certificate can be complete Evenings .