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InfSys Preapproved Electives

List of InfSys courses preapproved as electives in BS in Computing Technologies. Other courses could be allowed under specific circumstances but must be preapproved.

InfSys Course Prereq (as of 2021) Condition Notes
2800 1800
3807 Cobol
3815 3806 (C++) Java tools and frameworks
3817 3007 Cobol
3818 3806 (C++) or 3844 Software testing
3820 2800 or Cmp Sci 1250 Only if using older degree w/o 3820 System admin
3841 2800 Enterprise IS
3860 2800 Data integration
3868 3806 or Cmp Sci 2250 Only if using new degree w/o 3868 Secure software