
Common Searches

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone and hello to all new students in the Department of Computer Science!

Please make sure to follow the official guidelines as they are announced and updated. Please visit our Start Safe Stay Safe website for University information regarding COVID-19.

There was a recent update to canvas, most functionalities are the same but be patient as due to migration some courses may be showing a day or so late.

If your course has listed day/time, it means it is synchronous either in class (if room is listed) or online. Some courses are also partly or completely online asynchronous with recordings.

If you are on a wait list, you should attend and try to get in unless you were told there would be no more room.

Help and Tutoring

Tutoring services will start the following Monday, as usual.


We are still having many online courses but with the gained experience we plan to treat everyone the same and as in a regular course. If you have a special situation, try to talk to your instructor first.

New Graduate Students in CS
Anyone who contacted the graduate director and was advised should have the advising hold released, you can enroll as instructed if you haven’t yet. If you haven’t arranged with the graduate director, do it quickly. Some students were allowed into 5500. Everyone should take 4250 (plenty of open seats) and then open courses as discussed with the graduate director. We will not be allowing any more into 5130 nor 5500, they will be open in SP22 for you. Pick other electives, select them based on the certificate you plan to follow if you decide to follow the certificate option. 5410 is a very good choice for anyone who wants to take 6410 in SP22 (to complete the required 6xxx course). We may still allow a few students into some other close courses so place yourself on the wait list but have an alternative handy.

If you still have restrictions, you have to take the courses or try to waive with the graduate director. If your EAP tests landed you with EAP requirements, you should be taking at least one of those.


I will have office hours MW and generally be on campus this week.