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Dakota's Success Story

Dakota L.

"This semester has been especially tough for me. In August, I gave birth to my second son and had 2 little boys under the age of 2. To make it even more challenging, I’m living in Germany. My husband is active duty Army so he is gone Monday-Friday 6 am-6pm. Most nights I’m not able to start homework until after the boys go to bed at 8 pm. I’m away from my family, so I don’t have the “village” I need to help me take care of my kids. My husband was also sent to Turkey for a month to help aid with the earthquake. This meant I was alone with 2 kids, in charge of all the normal adult chores, plus 14 credit hours of coursework. I feel like I’ve had to make many sacrifices, such as spending most of my weekends doing the bulk of my homework. I’m sacrificing my sleep, because like I mentioned, I don’t start homework until 8 and Im up to 11 pm. This would seem normal, but mind you I have a 7 month old who still wakes up in the middle of the night for feedings and then is up for the day at 6 am. I’m also sacrificing activities I enjoy doing. For example, I’m not able to make it to the gym much anymore. I have to chose between homework or gym time. It’s been extremely exhausting and stressful, but it’s so important for me to show my kids and other moms that just because you have kids at a young age, doesn’t mean you can’t finish your education, it doesn’t mean your life is over, or you’re falling behind. I’m 24 years old, I have 2 perfect boys, I’ve gotten to travel all over Europe, I’m married, and I’m still continuing my education. It is possible. My tip is to be open and honest with your professors. All of them I’ve had so far understand the struggles with having young kids. They’re more than willing to give an extension, or figure out other resources to help you when you’re struggling. My other tip is to show your kids that anything is possible. One day they might be in your position and ask “how did you do it mom/dad?” Lead by example and show them that hard work pays off. Your kids are watching you, so be great for them."

