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Four Year Undergraduate Course Schedule

Department of Political Science 4-Year Schedule (2023-2027)

Course# Course Name FA23 SP24 SU24 FA24 SP25 SU25 FA25 SP26 SU26 FA26 SP27
1100 Introduction to American Politics X X,O O X X,O O X X,O O X X,O
1200 Foundations of Law O   O O O
1450 Introduction to Labor Studies O O
1500 Introduction to Comparative Politics X,O X,O O X,O X,O O X,O X,O O X,O X,O
1800 World Politics O X O O X O O X O O X
3000 Political Analysis H O H O H O H O
1820 Global Issues X X
2260 Law, Politics, & Society O O
2280 Judicial Politics & Policy O O
2290 Gender & Law X X
2300 State Politics X X
2320 African American & Political System O O
2350 Introduction to Urban Politics X X
2370 The Politics of Identity and Social Justice X X
2380 Politics of Gender in US X X
2400 Public Administration O O O O
2420 Introduction to Public Policy X O X O
2500 Comparing Different Worlds O X
2510 Politics of European Union O X
2430  Public & Non Profit Org Behavior  X X
2530 Pol Sys of South America X X
2580 African Politics X X
2590 Globalization: Prospects and Problems X X X X
2800 International Relations Theories  X O X O
2820 US Foreign Policy X X
2900 Studies in Political Science X X X X X X X X
3200 Constitutional Law X O X O
3210 Civil Liberties X X
3220 Labor Law O O O
3260 Supreme Court X X
2300 American Presidency X X
3330 Public Opinion and Political Participation O O
2331 Congressional Politics O X
3350 Political Parties & Elections H H
3390 Studies in American Politics
3420 Public & Nonprofit Personnel Mngmt X X
3430 Union Leadership & Administration O O
3440 Public & Nonprofit Budgeting O O O O
3450 Urban Administration O O
3460 Politics of Poverty & Welfare O O
3470  Collective Bargaining O O O
3480 Environmental Policy X X
3500 Middle Eastern Politics O O
3700 Nonprofit Organization & Pub Policy X X
3710 Nonprofit Civil Society & Volunteer X X
3830 Int'l Political Economy X X X X
3860 Political Violence  X X
3850 Int’l Org & Global Problem-Solving O O
3890 Studies in Int'l Relations O O O
3900 Special Readings X X X X X X X X X X
3940 Public Affairs Internship X X X X X X X X X X
4950 Senior Seminar O X O X O X O X
4040 Survey Research Practicum X X
4810  Human Rights  X X

D = Daytime, E = Evening, H= Hybrid of online and in person, O = Online, IT=Interactive Television

X = Time and Mode of Instruction to be Determined but is expected to be offered during this semester.

Semester offerings, however, are subject to change based on course staffing and student enrollment.  The course schedule will be updated each semester.