Marketing Club
The UMSL marketing club is designed to bring together like-minded graduate and undergraduate students interested in the marketing industry. Through the marketing club, students will be able to interact with other marketing students, learn the tips and tricks of the industry, and network with marketing companies and scholars from the St. Louis region and around the world.
The UMSL marketing club holds an annual marketing panel and internship fair on each spring semester. This opportunity gives students the chance to ask professionals in the marketing industry questions as well as land a possible internship at a marketing agency. The Marketing Club also hosts a speed networking event every fall. This event will give students a chance to meet one-on-one with different marketing professionals and practice their elevator pitch. All of the opportunities that the Marketing Club will offer helps students get involved in the St. Louis marketing industry and prepare them for a future career through networking and education
The motto of the Marketing Club is "Building your personal brand. Jumpstarting your career." To find out more about joining the club, contact the Marketing Club Advisor Dr. Perry Drake at . For the most recent calendar events ind us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.