In addition to UMSL scholarships, there are a variety of outside sources where you may find scholarship funds. Below you will find several resources to get you started. Be sure to read all information carefully because they may offer additional suggestions to aid you in your search. Don't forget to check out our Scholarship Application Tips to help you improve and enhance your application.
Local Opportunities and Resources
Many smaller scholarships may not have websites for you to visit for information. Here are a few places you can visit for more information.
- Your high school counselor
- Professional publications
- A local library
- Any clubs/organizations in which you or your parents are members
- Your parents' employer(s)
Electronic Resources
There are plenty of resources online for you to find scholarships, but be careful about what information you divulge when you apply. Check to make sure the organization is reputable and legitimate and never give out any banking information for any scholarship. Also, check the Federal Trade Commission’s website and this USNews article regarding online scholarship scams as well as red flags for things you should avoid.
The Next Step STL 2022 Scholarship
Nursing Scholarships For Online Learners (NurseJournal)
Sallie Mae Undergraduate Scholarship Search
Sallie Mae Graduate Scholarship Search
Sallie Mae Completing the Dream Scholarship