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Higher Education Foundations (CUT Unit F)

Participants in Higher Education Foundations (Unit F) encounter foundational higher education teaching concepts. To obtain credit for this unit, participants attend at least 7 of the following workshops (Fridays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST, via Zoom) and submit a drafted Teaching Philosophy and Diversity Statement. Unit F is offered during the Fall semester. 

Teaching and Learning in the University Workshops

  • Student Motivation
  • Inclusive Teaching
  • Active Learning
  • Active Learning, Applied
  • Designing Assessments
  • Grading Student Learning

Preparing for University Teaching Workshops

  • Understanding How Implicit Bias Shapes Expectations
  • Giving and Promoting Feedback
  • Philosophy of Teaching and Diversity Statements
  • Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
  • Program Structure

What Participants Say About Unit F

“During the CUT program I was also able to connect with other graduate students who were like minded... I learned about teaching in other disciplines and the requirements for TAs in other departments. Although the program is designed in modules, so there is no cohort that goes through all the modules together, I was able to have meaningful interactions with other graduate students, and it was always a joy when I saw a familiar face at another workshop or event on campus.” – Andreia Figueiredo, Biology PhD Candidate 
“I learned to effectively design courses, including formulating learning objectives, identifying and designing appropriate assessments, etc, in the first unit (Unit F Higher Education Foundations) of the program. Even though I did not have a chance to design and teach a course of my own during graduate school, this unit showed me how I will be able to achieve so in the future.”  – Yingtong (Amanda) Wu, Biology PhD Candidate
“I looked at titles of each of the workshops and there were some that I imagined I did not need as I already knew everything there was to know. I, of course, was totally mistaken. Thankfully, I was not so arrogant as to skip any of the workshops, and I quickly learned that there was a great deal I did not know, even about simple topics such as Active Learning or Designing Assessments. I quickly learned that these 2-hour Friday morning workshops were going to be more involved and far more informative than I had estimated. The most eye-opening workshop … for me personally, was the Inclusive Teaching workshop. I had no idea about implicit biases or how identities could impact learning.” – Michael McKeever, Chemistry PhD Candidate