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Career Development (CUT Unit D) 

Participants in Career Development (Unit D) attend at least four of the following workshops (Fridays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST, via Zoom), where you develop the skills and knowledge necessary for obtaining a position or advancing in academia. Unit D is offered during the Spring semester. Workshops include:

  • Adult Education 101
  • Developing Your CV and Application Materials
  • Creating a Teaching Portfolio
  • Preparing for On-Site Visits
  • Writing in Graduate School
  • Smart Negotiation
  • Grant Finding: Why and How

On your own:

  • Shadow a mentor in your discipline; write a 2-3 page paper describing your experience.

What Participants Say About Unit D

“My takeaways from each session of CUT thus far has always surpassed my expectation.  The same is true for the writing session.  At the top of my list is discovering that I am in a relationship with writing.  Who knew? Looking at my writing history from this lens broadens my understanding of my writing preferences, challenges, and accomplishments.  Furthermore, I am lifting the veil of referring to academic/scholarly/research writing as difficult.  Instead, I will see it as a positive as I become more intentional in weaving in my lived experiences.” – Stephanie Collins, Education EdD Candidate
“I found the insight of current faculty members incredibly valuable and the open conversations in a panel format certainly need to happen more... This module helped me know where to find potential jobs and how to decipher what the requirements for these jobs were. I have been looking at job postings regularly since and working on developing my skillset and experience to match the requirements I anticipate upon completion of my PhD.” – Michael McKeever, Chemistry PhD Candidate
"In addition to benefiting my teaching, the Certificate in University Teaching had a strong focus on professional development. I learned how to develop and write a teaching philosophy, I attended panels and discussions on the process of applying for an academic job and how that process differs based on the different types of institutions of higher education, and had the chance to explore what life would look like as a professor in different academic settings. This proved to be extremely useful when I started applying for jobs. Not only did I already have many of the application materials drafted, I also felt confident in identifying which universities would be a good fit for me, which helped me plan to spend more time on those applications.” – Andreia Figueiredo, Biology PhD Candidate