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Teaching or Research Assistantships

The department has a limited number of Teaching or Research Assistantships available to support full-time students. As a teaching assistant or research assistant, students will receive a stipend and an educational fee scholarship. Under the terms of the fee scholarship, a graduate assistant will be eligible for a educational fee scholarship (full remission of educational fees for 9 hours of graduate level courses for each semester that a student holds the graduate assistantship appointment and the courses must be part of the students degree program) and will be responsible for paying any special rate tuition and any non-educational fee related charges including, but not limited to online fees, course and supplemental fees.

Any student who intends to apply for financial assistance, in the form of a Teaching Assistantship or a Research Assistantship, is required to have three letters of recommendation submitted with the application to the desired graduate program. The application must include scores on the GRE general aptitude test. The application form for an Assistantship is available online. Applications for financial assistance should be submitted before February 1 prior to the academic year in which the student expects to begin graduate study. Notifications of awards are generally made by March 15 and students awarded financial assistance are expected to return letters of acceptance by April 15.

Graduate assistantships will not be awarded to international students whose TOEFL scores are below 570 PBT, 230 CBT, or 88 IBT. Note that the University does not allow international students whose first language is not English to teach during their first term of study.

Please note that you must apply for admission before we can consider an application for an Assistantship. See the Graduate School's Rules and Regulations for University requirements for Teaching or Research Assistants.

The department has other part-time opportunities for students to work as a grader or as a tutor in a "help Lab". As a part-time employee for the department, students will receive an hourly wage only. Students can pick up applications for part-time employment opportunities in the department office (311 ESH).

Visit the Financial Aid office to learn about other possibilities for financial assistance.

National organizations that offer a variety of fellowships or scholarships for students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in graduate schools can be found on the Graduate School's website.

Full-Time and Part-Time Study

The Graduate School maintains online copies of its Rules and Regulations. You can find the definition of normal course loads and the definition of full-time. Student who have full-time employment normally pursue the degree part-time. All courses are offered in the evenings as well as the day to meet their needs. There also are the rules on the time limits on completion of degree requirements and the requirements for minimum enrollment, and the rules for placement on probation or dismissal.

For further information, contact

Graduate Studies
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Missouri - St. Louis
St. Louis, Missouri 63121-4499

Online Application for Admissions to Graduate School

Application for Teaching/Research Assistantship

Career Outlook

Graduates from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics have little difficulty in finding positions in industry, government, and education. In addition, a number of graduates in mathematics have elected careers in business and other related fields where they have found their logical and analytical skills to be well-rewarded.

The demand for individuals well-trained in statistics and in applied mathematics is greater than the available supply.