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What is Brain Stew?

Brain Stew's mission is to provide for the Pierre Laclede Honors College student body a forum for uncensored free thought, commentary, and creativity, as well as news and event listings from PLHCSA and other related campus organizations. We have been publishing for over 25 years and won Student Involvement's award for Best Sustained Program in 2012 and 2017, Best Cultural Awareness Programming in 2018, Best Overall Program in 2020, as well as awards from the National Collegiate Honors Council in 2017, 2018, and 2020.

Brain Stew Award

How Can I Submit to Brain Stew?

Want to submit to Brain Stew? Send your submissions to brainstew@umsl.edu. Send us your editorials, poems, stories, reviews, plays, drawings, photography, fart jokes, personal ads, or whatever else you can think of!

Where Can I Read Brain Stew?

We distribute hard-copies of Brain Stew bi-weekly throughout Provincial House and upload our issues online. Check out past issues of Brain Stew!

Current Brain Stew Editors

Abby Wall: acwbzy@umsl.edu
Josiah Ayres: jac4t@umsystem.edu 
Hannah Smid: hst8v@umsl.edu