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Dr. Kara Moskowitz

Kara Moskowitz

Curriculum Vitae


Kara Moskowitz is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Missouri – St. Louis.  She specializes in modern African history, with a focus on East Africa, international development, and decolonization.  She received a B.A. in History with Honors from Grinnell College, and both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in African History from Emory University.  Before coming to the University of Missouri – St. Louis, she received a Mellon Dissertation Fellowship in the Humanities in Original Sources to conduct archival and oral research in Kenya and the United Kingdom.  Her teaching and research interests include African history, social history, rural history, transnational history, state-making, political culture, inequality, land, and the intersections of local and global historical processes.  In her research, she looks in particular at how local negotiations over transnational development programs shaped states, citizenship, and political authority.  She has published on these topics in the Journal of African History and the International Journal of African Historical Studies. Her first book - Seeing Like a Citizen: Decolonization, Development, and the Making of Kenya (1945-1980) - was published with Ohio University Press’s New African Histories Series in November 2019.

Digital Humanities Project:

“Running from Apartheid: Kenyan Athletics and the Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1955-1968” is a digital history project, which exhibits, curates, and narrates collected historical evidence on the role of Kenya and Kenyan runners in the 1968 Olympic boycott. This project uses various digital software, such as ArcGIS Storymaps, Timeline JS, and Tableau.  Please contact Dr. Kara Moskowitz for more information.

For more on Professor Moskowitz’s research and teaching, please visit her website.