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Students should go to the College or School Academic Advising Office that houses their major. Some colleges may refer you to a faculty advisor in your department. Virtual appointments are available.

University Advising Center
The University Advising Center serves all first-year students.

College of Arts and Sciences
303 Lucas Hall
(314) 516-5501
CAS Advising

College of Business
107 Anheuser-Busch Hall
(314) 516-5888
COBA Advising

College of Education Advising Office
116 South Campus Classroom Bldg 
(314) 516-5937
COE Advising

Honors College
Provincial House
(314) 516-5243
Honors College Advising

Joint Engineering Program
228 Benton Hall
(314) 516-7018
JEP Advising

College of Nursing
Nursing Administration Building
(341) 516-6066

School of Social Work
469 Social Sciences Building (SSB)
(314) 516-6385
Social Work Advising