UMSL Recipients of UM System President’s Awards
The UM System President’s Awards have been discontinued. UMSL’s recipients included:
2021: President’s Award for Intercampus Collaboration
Beth Huebner, Criminology & Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences
2020: President’s Award for Cross-Cultural Engagement
Uma Segal, School of Social Work
2019: President’s Award for Intercampus Collaboration
Rachel Winograd, Associate Research Professor, MIMH
2016: President’s Award for Service
Sally Barr Ebest, English and Gender Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
2015: President’s Award for Cross-Cultural Engagement
Wendy Saul, College of Education
2015: President’s Award for Intercampus Collaboration
Sharon D. Johnson, School of Social Work
Louis H. Pierce, School of Social Work
2015: President’s Award for Leadership
Mary Troy, English, College of Arts and Sciences
2007-2008: President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching
Fred Willman, Curators’ Teaching Professor of Music and Education
1993-1994: President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching
Janet C. Berlo, Art, College of Arts and Sciences
1990-1991: President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching
Charles R. Granger, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences