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PhD in Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Leading the way in educational leadership.

Our education system needs strong, capable leaders today more than ever. The PhD in Education, Emphasis in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Missouri–St. Louis offers a strong theoretical and conceptual foundation to support your work within your organization. It also provides the research, knowledge and skills you need to begin your own scholarly work within a university setting.

The PhD in Education, Emphasis in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies degree is designed to enhance the knowledge and competencies of research scholars and help them develop into thoughtful, effective academics who are skilled in identifying gaps in the literature related to sociocultural, leadership and student service challenges within our communities and educational settings. This campus-based degree program requires independent study under the guidance of doctoral faculty who are leading scholars in their respective fields, often sought out for their expertise.

Areas of research within this emphasis area include Higher Education and Social Justice. Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to examine and apply complex interrelationships that affect issues of diversity, equity and social justice, leveraging the use of cross-disciplinary perspectives to strengthen research outcomes. They will learn the art of demonstrating leadership skills to promote community engagement or civic action to benefit the public good. They will also be able to analyze, categorize and evaluate qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods approaches within an education context.


Please note that our doctoral programs do not align with MO state requirements for administrative certification. Students interested in pursuing certification should inquire with the appropriate advising staff member to pursue our master’s or specialist degree programs in Educational Administration.

Plan of Study


Non-Missouri Residents: Prospective students are responsible for reviewing the UMSL state authorizations page to see if this program is offered in their state throughout their program and to review the licensure or certification requirements for the state in which they reside.

Deadline to Apply:

December 1

Ask an advisor:

Dr. Shawn Woodhouse
242 Marillac Hall
(314) 516-5889

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