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Behavioral Neuroscience Faculty

Michael G. Griffin
Associate Professor 
Ph.D., University of Missouri–St. Louis
Fields: Psychophysiology and psychoendocrinology of post-traumatic stress disorder

Sandra J. E. Langeslag
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Fields: Neurocognition of emotions and motivation, neurocognition of romantic love

Sandra J. E. Langeslag

Emily Marler
Ph.D., Saint Louis University
Fields: Scholarship of teaching and learning, and active learning

Emily Marier

Carissa Philippi
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Iowa
Fields: Behavioral and neural correlates of self-related processing (i.e., self-reflection) in healthy adults and psychiatric patient populations; studies use resting-state fMRI, eye-tracking, and psychophysiology

Carissa Philippi

Jennifer Siciliani
Teaching Professor
Ph.D., The University of Tennessee in Knoxville
Fields: Psychoneuroendocrinology

Hannah White
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Fields: Cognitive and social development

Hannah White

Program Affiliates

Carl Bassi
Professor of Optometry
Ph.D., Vanderbilt University

Steven Bruce
Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University

Steven Bruce