
Pillar 3 seeks to positively impact student success metrics and outcomes through targeted interventions, initiatives and investments.

* Action approved for implementation in Year 1 (FY21).

Strategy 1

Expand and enrich academic support services.

Objective 3.1.1

Provide academic and life coaching services for vulnerable student populations


  • Invest in additional staff to support at-risk students including graduate and non-traditional students.

Objective 3.1.2

Enhance, expand and centralize tutorial support campus-wide


  • Invest in additional staff within the University Tutoring Center.

Objective 3.1.3

Meet the needs of students with seen and unseen disabilities and support faculty to best provide accommodations


  • Invest in additional staff within Disability Access Services.

Objective 3.1.4

Provide academic/success coaching to support probationary and conditional test-optional admits


  • Invest in additional staff to serve as academic/success coaches.

Objective 3.1.5

Institutionalize full-service summer transition program


  • Invest in and institutionalize a Summer Transition Program for FTC/TRE at-risk admits.

Objective 3.1.6

Enhance services and resources for the University Testing Center.


  • Invest in additional staff to coordinate and serve as testing assistants in the University Testing Center.

Strategy 2

Enhance student employment opportunities and workforce readiness.

Objective 3.2.1

Coordinate and enhance student employment to impact retention and outcomes


  • Invest in additional staff to coordinate efforts.
  • Invest in student employment programming initiatives.

Objective 3.2.2

Enhance internship experiences in academic units to impact retention and outcomes


  • Invest in additional staff to coordinate internship initiatives.

Strategy 3

Positively impact the UMSL student experience and sense of belonging.

Objective 3.3.1

Enhance targeted co-curricular and social programming for non-traditional and URM students


  • Develop and fund initiatives and programming.

Objective 3.3.2

Diversify engagement experiences for all students with enhanced programming for international students


  • Support collaborations between UMSL Global and Student Involvement.

Objective 3.3.3

Close achievement gaps for at-risk student populations


  • Implement actions across all pillars that contribute to sense of belonging and student success for URM and low SES students.

Objective 3.3.4

Improve student transportation access and quality


  • Determine and address student transportation needs and expectations.

Objective 3.3.5

Increase the number of underrepresented minority faculty members


  • Engage in diverse faculty cluster hiring.