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The FTTC planning committee invites you to consider submitting a proposal to the conference for a 25-minute information session, 50-minute interactive session, or 90-minute workshop. We seek presenters who can offer attendees both a vision of the impact and importance of their topic and concrete, practical examples of real-world implementation.  

The deadline for proposal submissions closed on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 11:59 PM CST. The proposal selection committee reviews proposals throughout May and June. Those submitting proposals will be contacted in early June about the status of their proposal. 

NOTE: As there are a very limited number of slots for concurrent sessions on each year's schedule, presentation approval is competitive. We highly recommend that presenting candidates take care to specifically address the questions asked on the form and follow the guidelines listed for those questions. A careful review of the Evaluation Criteria on the form will also benefit applicants. You may find it useful to view previous examples of successful conference proposals.

Thank you for your interest in being a part of this amazing, dynamic, and engaging conference. Our presenters are such a big part of what makes this a great event, year after year!


Register for FTTC 2024