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Are you interested in starting a company?

There are many paths to commercialization of a new invention or idea including the establishment of a startup company to develop and market the technology. The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) can help UMSL faculty, staff and students develop a strategy for company formation; we are committed to providing guidance and support throughout the process and early growth of the business.

Our office provides direction in key areas such as:

  • Guidance on the process of forming a company.
  • Connections with investors and funding sources (angels, seed-stage venture funds, grants, debt financing, etc.).
  • Introductions to experienced entrepreneurs and executives to serve on the management team.

As you begin to work on your new company, here are some questions that will assist you in preparing for the company formation process.

  • Does the invention/idea require additional development before it is ready for the marketplace?
  • What problem will your company solve?
  • What are the company's product(s) or service(s)?
  • What is the expected market for these products and the market size?
  • Who are the company's anticipated customers and why will they buy from your company?
  • Who are the company's competitors or potential competitors?
  • Who will manage the company?
  • How much capital is needed and for what purpose? Where do you anticipate raising this capital?

These questions are intended to help you focus on the main areas of starting a new company. If you are having trouble answering the questions above, we may be able to provide assistance.

Please contact us for more information (Tamara Wilgers, Director, wilgerst@umsl.edu, 314-516-6884).