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DAS Student Handbook

WELCOME to the University of Missouri-St. Louis

Thanks for choosing UMSL and Welcome to Disability Access Services (DAS)! Because you are a University of Missouri-St. Louis student, you will have the opportunity to receive the education you want and the services you need. This handbook is made available to help you achieve your personal and academic goals while attending UMSL.

Disability Access Services (DAS) is here to assist you in gaining equal access to all University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) services, classes, and events. DAS also will assist you in determining how UMSL can best help you meet your accommodation needs in these areas.   Disability Access Services is the primary office on campus with staff that have specialized knowledge and experience in disability issues. DAS is the central location for maintaining information about your disability through written records and staff contact

The mission of Disability Access Services is to acknowledge the uniqueness of each student as a valuable member of the University of Missouri–St. Louis community. Recognizing UMSL’s commitment to equal access to education, we strive to ensure full and equal participation in all educational opportunities by:

  • Providing individualized appropriate accommodations and services
  • Maintaining a high level of involvement with campus administrators, faculty and staff
  • Helping students with disabilities develop and maintain independence and self-advocacy skills for college and beyond.
  • DAS is committed to improving the total university experience for all students with disabilities

Disability Access Services determines appropriate and reasonable accommodations based on individual student needs. These accommodations are based on student report and verified through appropriate documentation of disability acquired from a professional. DAS will also provide assistance to students with disabilities in acclimation to the campus environment, and assist to assure a positive learning experience. 

Services available through DAS:

  • Pre-admission counseling
  • Specialized testing accommodations (extended time, least distraction environment, etc.)
  • In-class accommodations
  • Alternate textbook resources
  • Assistance in locating and training note-takers
  • Assistance in hiring readers for blind students
  • Certified interpreters for deaf students
  • Closed captioning real-time services (transcription)
  • Special furniture accommodations
  • Emergency location procedures for mobility-impaired students
  • Computers equipped with adaptive software
  • Coordination with community resources including Vocational Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Services for the Blind, Paraquad/Deaf Way, Quality Transcription Services, etc.
  • Provide course substitutions/waivers based on appropriate and supporting documentation

Intake/Registration Policy and Procedure’s part of the handbook covers how individual with diagnosed disabilities goes about registration with the office of Disability Access Services. Along with this, this session also covers how individual students will be assessed to determine specific accommodations that will meet student’s individual needs.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new and returning students! As an UMSL student, you assume new privileges and responsibilities in accordance with the expectations and mission of the university. As a cornerstone of this institution, the Student Standard of Conduct was established in order to protect the specialized learning environment on campus, an environment conducive to learning, integrity, academic success, personal and professional growth and responsible citizenship. As we begin this new school year, please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the policy and procedures implemented through the Offices of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct & Community Standards. A wealth of information is available online from each department at: Dishonesty and Student Conduct.

If you have any questions regarding the university’s expectations, please do not hesitate to contact either one of us for further clarification.

** Regardless of a student’s documented disability, they are expected to adhere to and meet the University of Missouri–St. Louis’ Student Standard of Conduct

The Governing Laws/Regulations Policy part of the handbook is currently under review and is subjected to change at any time. This section covers federal laws that protect the rights of those individuals with disabilities as well as govern how institutions of higher learning should conduct themselves to meet the needs of those individuals.

The Accommodation Policy and Procedures part of the handbook is currently under review and is subjected to change at any time. As of right now, this session covers accommodations afforded to students that were previously determined by DAS staff and individual students that determined student’s individual needs for the classroom, and are designed to provide equal access to education and the university experience.

The Note Taking Accommodation Policy part of the handbook is currently under review and is subjected to change at any time. This policy is based off on individual student’s accommodations that are pre-determined by DAS staff and students.

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Location icon  131 Millennium
Student Center

phone icon (314) 516-5671

Fax icon  (314) 516-6561

Portal icon  health.umsl.edu

email icon  das@umsl.edu

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