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Helene J. Sherman, Ed.D.

Helene J. ShermanHelene J. Sherman, Ed.D.

Professor Emeritus

Helene J. Sherman, Ed. D., is an Emeritus Professor in the College of Education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She earned her undergraduate degree in elementary education at Washington University in St. Louis and a masters and doctorate degree in education at UM-St. Louis. Dr. Sherman taught elementary school and mathematics in middle school and at community colleges. During her 25-year tenure at UM-SL, she taught undergraduate and graduate mathematics education and STEM courses. She also served as Department Chair and the Associate Dean for Educator Preparation for 16 years.

Dr. Sherman's research interest is investigating classroom practice in mathematics instruction to determine the components that specifically impact student interest and achievement. She is also interested in studying methods of translating best practice to teacher education curricula. To study these issues, she has directed and co-directed numerous statewide grant projects in St. Louis area school districts. Dr. Sherman is a national coauthor of digits, a Common Core whiteboard based middle grades math curriculum, published by Pearson Education. She is a frequent speaker at national academic conferences and has published her work in numerous nationally peer-reviewed educational journals. Dr. Sherman has co-authored three K-8 Metric Measurement activity books and the textbook, Teaching Learners Who Struggle with Mathematics: Responding with Systematic Intervention and Remediation (3rd Edition), published by Pearson Education and Waveland Press. The text includes research and methodology in the areas of active and relevant mathematics teaching that supports Dr. Sherman's work in the area of improving mathematics instruction and learning. The text has been translated in Arabic and Korean and used in Saudi Arabia and South Korea.

During her administrative tenure, Dr. Sherman designed and directed the first and ongoing COE Beginning Teacher Assistance Program to support classroom teachers' instruction in their early careers. She initiated and implemented a 2 + 2 program at Mineral Area Community College so that students could remain at the college to finish a certification program in education. As well, Dr. Sherman designed and directed the first COE study abroad program for undergraduate/certification students as they completed practica in Fuxin, China.

Dr. Sherman has served leadership roles in various academic organizations. These include President of the Mathematics Educators of Greater St. Louis and the St. Louis Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa as well as an executive board member of the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics. She was honored with the outstanding College Teaching Award from both organizations and is the recipient of the University of Missouri-St. Louis Distinguished Alumni Award, Emerson Electric Outstanding Teaching Award, and the College Distinguished Faculty Award. In 2003, Dr. Sherman was chosen as the only UMSL representative for the Missouri Governor's Award for Distinguished Teaching.

Currently, Dr. Sherman is teaching a STEM doctoral course in partnership with COE faculty. She is also a mathematics coach for teachers and students in area school districts at the K-12 levels.