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Charles Fazzaro, Ed.D.

Charles Fazzaro, Ed.D.

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Fazzaro earned both an M.A. (1965) and an Ed.D. (1971) in Education Administration and Curriculum from West Virginia University. Since his appointment to the College of Education in 1971, his work has reflected his commitment to the ideal that the primary mission of American public schools is to educate children to assume the fundamental political office of citizen. He believes that both teachers and students are joined together in the schools to fulfill this mission and as such they serve as the social and political conscience of our democracy.

The character of his work is a search for contradictions between the obligations of public education to the American democratic ideals and schooling policies and practices. His search has revealed many contradictions that have significant implications for freedom of thought and the delicate balance between our rights as individuals and our obligations to the commonweal.