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Lav Gupta

Lav_Gupta.jpg-.jpgAssistant Professor

Ph.D. and MS degrees in Computer Science and Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, MO

MS and BS degrees from Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur and Roorkee

Email: lgyn6@umsystem.edu
Office: 351 ESH
Phone: (314) 516-5760
Fax: (314) 516-5400
Office Hours: 

FS 2024 

Wed 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 

In-person office hours will normally be on Wednesdays. These may be rescheduled to accommodate larger number of students. 

Methods of Contacting 


  • During office hours - no appointment is required 
  • Through discussion threads in Canvas. 
  • Zoom meetingother than office hours will be by appointment. 
  • Canvas messaging. 


  • Zoom meetings by appointment (link will be shared). 
  • Through email at lgyn6@umsl.edu

In person office hours will be as announced from time to time. 


Personal Webpage

Notice of GRA Vacancy with Prof. Lav Gupta

Main Research Interests

  • Leader of the UM Broadband Initiative
  • Multi-cloud computing: Algorithms for cost and quality of service aware placement of virtual network resources over a hierarchy of clouds.
  • Distributed deep learning: Cybersecurity of multi-cloud (edge and core) hierarchy.
  • Performance of Virtual Network Services: Hybrid machine and deep learning models for performance management in virtualized distributed networks.
  • Cyber Security: AI based cybersecurity in critical pervasive applications like healthcare networks distributed over multiple clouds.
  • Software defined infrastructures: Optimization of multi-cloud platforms, 5G network slicing
  • UAV Communication Networks

Selected Research Involvement

  • NSF: “Fault and performance management in carrier-grade virtual networks over multiple clouds”
  • NPRP Cycle 10: “Cyber Security for Next‐Generation Healthcare in Qatar”
  • ITU: Draft standard Y.e2efapm, “Cloud Computing - End-to-end fault and performance management framework of virtual network services in inter-cloud”
  • Faculty Innovation Award (Sony): “Distributed Hierarchical Deep Learning For Security In Multi-Cloud Environments” (proposal under review)

Selected Publications

Refereed Journals

  • Lav Gupta, Tara Salman, Raj Jain, “Cybersecurity of Multi-Cloud Healthcare Systems: A Hierarchical Deep Learning Approach,” Elsevier Applied Soft Computing(Under review)
  • Lav Gupta, Tara Salman, Maede Zolanvari, Aiman Erbad, "Fault And Performance Management In Multi-Cloud Virtual Network Services Using AI: A Tutorial And A Case Study," Elsevier Computer Networks, October 2019.
  • Lav Gupta, Raj Jain, Aiman Erbad, Deval Bhamare, “The P-ART framework for placement of virtual network services in a multi-cloud environment, ‘ Computer Communications, 2019.
  • Lav Gupta, M. Samaka, Raj Jain, Aiman Erbad, Deval Bhamare, H. Anthony Chan, "Fault and Performance Management in Multi-Cloud Based NFV using Shallow and Deep Predictive Structures," Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, 2017.
  • Lav Gupta, Raj Jain, H. Anthony Chan, "Mobile Edge Computing - an important ingredient of 5G Networks," IEEE Softwarization Newsletter, 2016.
  • Lav Gupta, Raj Jain, Mohammed Samaka, "Analysis of Application Delivery Platform for Software Defined Infrastructures," International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2016.
  • Lav Gupta, Raj Jain, and Gabor Vaszkun, "Survey of Important Issues in UAV Communication Networks," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Nov 2015.
  • Xin Li, Chengcheng Guo, Jun Xu, Lav Gupta, Raj Jain, "Towards Efficiently Provisioning 5G Core Network Slice Based on Resource and Topology Attributes," Applied Sciences, October 2019
  • Xin Li, Chengcheng Guo, Jun Xu, Lav Gupta, Raj Jain, "Efficient and Secure 5G Core Network Slice Provisioning Based on VIKOR Approach, October 2019, IEEE Access, October, 2019
  • Tara Salman, Raj Jain, Lav Gupta, “A Reputation Management Framework for Knowledge-Based and Probabilistic Blockchains,” IEEE 1st International Workshop on Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Blockchain, July 2019
  • Maede Zolanwari, Marcio Teixeira, Lav Gupta, Raj Jain, "Machine Learning Based Network Vulnerability Analysis of Industrial Internet of Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, February 2019.
  • Deval Bhamare, Raj Jain, Mohammed Samaka, Aiman Erbad, Lav Gupta, H. Anthony Chan, "Optimal Virtual Network Function Placement and Resource Allocation in Multi-Cloud Service Function Chaining Architecture," Elsevier Computer Communication, Apr 2017.
  • Xin Li, Raj Jain, H. Anthony Chan, Deval Bhamare, Lav Gupta, Chengcheng Guo, M. Samaka “Network Slicing for 5G: Challenges and Opportunities,” IEEE Internet Computing, 2017.

Refereed Conferences

  • Lav Gupta, “Hierarchical Deep Learning for Cybersecurity of Critical Service Systems, IEEE World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability, 2020
  • Lav Gupta, Tara Salman, Ria Das, Aiman Erbad, Raj Jain, Mohammed Samaka, "HYPER-VINES: A HYbrid Learning Fault and Performance Issues ERadicator for VIrtual NEtwork Services over Multi-cloud," CNC-WS, IEEE ICNC, 2019.
  • Lav Gupta, Mohammed Samaka, Raj Jain, Aiman Erbad, Deval Bhamare, Chris Metz, "COLAP: A Predictive Framework for Service Function Chain Placement in a Multi-cloud Environment," The 7th IEEE Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), Jan 2017.
  • Lav Gupta, M. Samaka, Raj Jain, Aiman Erbad, H. Anthony Chan, “Fault and Performance Management in Multi-Cloud Based NFV using Shallow and Deep Predictive Structures,” IEEE ICCCN (WS IiOT-Com), 2017
  • Lav Gupta, Raj Jain, Mohammed Samaka, "Dynamic Analysis of Application Delivery Network for Leveraging Software Defined Infrastructures," 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), March 2015.
  • Lav Gupta, "QoS in Interconnection of Next Generation Network,” IEEE 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), 2013.
  • Tara Salman, Raj Jain, Lav Gupta, “Probabilistic Blockchains: A Blockchain Paradigm for Collaborative Decision-Making,” in IEEE 9th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference, November 2018.
  • Deval Bhamare, Mohammed Samaka, Aiman Erbad, Raj Jain, Lav Gupta, H. Anthony Chan, "Multi-Objective Scheduling of Micro-Services for Optimal Service Function Chains," IEEE ICC, 2017.

Invited Book Chapters

  1. Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Second Edition, edited by Kimon P. Valavanis and George J. Vachtsevanos, Springer (book chapter, "Important Issues in UAV Communication Networks," expected to be published in 2020)