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Facility Reservations with UMSL Campus Recreation

The Recreation and Wellness Center is the perfect venue to host your next event. With large spaces, state of the art technology and easy access for event attendees, the RWC is equipped to host both small and large scale events. To start your rental process, complete the Facility Rental Form linked below. 

Facility Rental Request Form

View our rates and fees as well as our policies and procedures below. The rates listed are for small scale events. Large scale events will be determined and negotiated with UMSL Campus Recreation. Base rental fee for first hour rental.  Pro-rated for additional time.

For more information on facility rentals, please contact Andy at

rental rates & fees

We have three pricing tiers for facility reservations at the RWC: Student, Affiliate or UMSL Department, and External. The tiers are determined based on the status of the participants for the reservation and reserved by an individual or group that is a part of that tier.

  • Student rate: At least 75% of *Participants are current UMSL students and a current UMSL student or **Registered Student Organization is making the reservation.
  • Affiliate rate: At least 75% of Participants are current RWC members or UMSL faculty or staff and a current member is making the reservation. Organizations who have Corporate Partner status with the RWC fall in this category as well.
  • UMSL Department rate: UMSL departments seeking to reserve space for their own staff event regardless of RWC membership.
  • External rate: Any event or reservation that does not fall into the other rates will receive the External rate. (A discount for events not for profit will be applied to the contract)

*Participants are defined as anyone engaged in the activity of the event.

  • For example, if the event is a speaker presentation, a Participant would be anyone who shows up to the space. But if the event is a basketball tournament, a Participant is anyone who is playing in the tournament.

**Registered Student Organizations that are hosting events where the participants are not directly in the UMSL community would fall under External rate.

Guest Lists or allowed attendees list will be submitted at least three business days in advance of the event for verification. Upon arrival all participants will sign-in on the Guest List to represent an accurate attendance for the event. Maximum attendance capacity will be set and agreed upon in the written contract. Non-members of the RWC who arrive for the event who are not on the Guest List will be able to pay a $10 Guest Pass fee if the event organizer wishes to allow them to attend. Otherwise they will not be granted access.

Rentals that provide a Certificate of Insurance will not need a Guest List or sign in for attendance, but may need to share an allowed attendees list.

Weekly or recurring events will be evaluated to determine if the participant threshold is met for each event. Prices may need to be updated if the participations fall below.

LARGE ROOMS Student Rate Affiliate Rate UMSL Department Rate External Rate
Gym Court 1 or 2  $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $70.00
Multi-Activity Court (MAC - 3) $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $70.00
Fitness Studio 1 - 3 $30.00 $40.00 $40.00 $60.00
Fitness Studio 4 $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $70.00
*Does NOT include audio/video use for courts or fitness studios. Flat rate fees apply.
SMALL ROOMS Student Rate Affiliate Rate UMSL Department Rate External Rate
Conference Room 1 and 2 $10.00 $25.00 $25.00 $40.00
Aquatic Classroom $10.00 $25.00 $25.00 $40.00
*Includes use of LCD TV and multimedia connections.
COMMON SPACES Student Rate Affiliate Rate UMSL Department Rate External Rate
Lobby/Nook $30.00 $45.00 $45.00 $65.00
Plaza $30.00 $40.00 $40.00 $60.00
*Includes rental of ONE table and TWO chairs
NATATORIUM Student Rate Affiliate Rate UMSL Department Rate External Rate
Lap Lane $30.00 $40.00 $40.00 $60.00
Entire Natatorium & Aquatic Classroom $200.00 $250.00 $250.00 $300.00

*Does NOT include hourly rates for lifeguard staff. Number of additional staff will be based on total estimated attendees.
*Aquatic classroom includes use of LCD TV and multimedia connections.

Meeting Room Rentals

The Recreation and Wellness Center offers six meeting rooms with seating capacities from 10-75 guests. Each room is equipped with audio/visual technology to take your meeting or presentation to the next level. For a truly unique experience, take advantage of all the RWC has to offer by doing a group fitness class, playing volleyball on the Multi-Activity Court, or gearing up to take on the 32' Climbing Wall.

Additional staff support

A staff member will be assigned specifically to facility reservation and assist as needed.  The necessity of this staff member will be determined by the RWC.
Rate for all Groups:  $17.00/hour

Overtime Staff Support

Rental groups will be charged for overtime staff support when event operates outside RWC hours of operation.
Rate for all Groups: $30.00/hour

Additional Custodial Support

Depending on the size and event schedule, additional custodial support may be necessary.
There will be no charge for additional custodial support.

Basic Audio

Rate for all Groups:  $20.00

Premium Audio/Video

LCD Projector, Screen, Surround Sound, Microphone
Rate for all Groups:  $100.00

Sport Equipment Set-Up

Flip Scoreboard (Per Court):  $10.00
Electronic Scoreboard (Per Court):  $30.00
Basketballs (Per Ball):  $2.00
Volleyballs (Per Ball):  $2.00
Indoor Soccer Balls (Per Ball):  $2.00

Tables (Per Table)

Rate for all Groups:  $5.00

Chairs (Per Chair)

Rate for all Groups:  $1.00

Rental Policies & Procedures

In order to meet the varied educational and recreational needs of the campus, a scheduling priority system has been established by the Department of Campus Recreation. All Campus Recreation facility requests must be submitted online through the Rental Request Form and requires approval from Campus Recreation. Different indoor recreational spaces may have different scheduling priorities based on their intended use and funding base. Campus Recreation is committed to supporting drop-in recreational opportunities. Facility scheduling requests may be limited during peak hours of facility usage. Appropriate fees will be assessed for groups securing recreational facilities for events (both internal and external). The priority list below is representative of recreation facilities on campus. Priority is viewed over time throughout the entire facility and may change depending on time of day, day of week, or time of the semester. Reservations have a better chance of being accepted the further out they can be scheduled.

Priority One: Drop-in/open recreation use for all students/members.
Priority Two: Formal programs administered through the Department of Campus Recreation. This would include aquatic, fitness, wellness, intramural, department sponsored special events, and summer camps.
Priority Three: Other student and University group usage including but not limited to student organizations, academic classes/programs, University departments, special events, and varsity athletic practices and competitions.
Priority Four: External group usage, both University sponsored (affiliated) or non-affiliated.

The following criteria are used in rendering decisions to approve or deny facility scheduling requests:

  • Impact to existing programs and available spaces
  • Scope and nature of event
  • Type of reservation group
  • Appropriateness of the activity or event
  • Compatibility of the activity and the facility in which it will be conducted
  • Previous experience with similar events
  • Groups ability to meet all requirements relative to usage policies and procedures, facility usage, and event management charges
  • Availability of required personnel
  • All University of Missouri–St. Louis and Campus Recreation policies and procedures are to be followed at all times.
    • Please read the UMSL Campus Recreation Building Policies Manual.
  • In the event that the RWC must be closed, those with scheduled events will be notified as soon as possible. UMSL Campus Recreation will attempt to reschedule the event at the soonest available date or may issue a refund when necessary.
  • The rental group agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances and regulations and all applicable UMSL rules, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • UMSL is a tobacco-free campus. This includes all university owned and university leased buildings, parking garages, parking lots, outdoor grounds, sidewalks, and vehicles. The tobacco-free policy applies to faculty, staff, students, contractor and consultant employees, performers, visitors and the general public.
  • UMSL does not allow the possession of weapons on University property.
  • Reservation requests can only be made by completing the facility rental request form found on
    our website. Facility rental requests are processed in the order in which they are received.
  • The RWC reserves the right to decline facility usage for any name/organization submitting a
    facility rental request.
  • The RWC provides space for any name/organization affiliated and non-affiliated with University
    of Missouri - St. Louis. All approved facility rentals will be associated with a rental fee indicated
    in writing with your email confirmation.
  • Only Student Organizations recognized by the Office of Student Involvement may reserve space and make payment via MOCODE and be eligible to receive the Student rate. Student Organizations without SABC funding are required to pay all charges prior to the date of the event and will receive the External rate.
  • Only registered student officers can book events on behalf of the student organization.
    Reservations from non-registered student officers, general members, and/or advisors will not be accepted.
  • It is the responsibility of the name/organization listed on the request form to pay all rental fees in full prior to the start of the event. Rental fees must be paid with exact cash, check, or credit card (except American Express) at the Recreation and Wellness Center.
    • Campus departments may pay by MOCODE. Student Organizations, however, must have
      approval from the Office of Student Involvement prior to submitting the reservation form.
      • Campus departments will be invoiced after the last event date listed on the
        reservation contract.
  • All facility rental requests must be submitted 14 business days prior to the scheduled event and requests cannot be made more than 6 months in advance. All facility rental requests submitted before and after this time period will not be accepted.
  • Facility rental requests will be approved or denied via email by UMSL Campus Recreation within
    3 business days of submission. After the facility rental request has been approved the
    name/organization must communicate all specific setup needs to UMSL Campus Recreation. Any specific setup needs not conveyed prior to confirmation may not be accommodated.
  • All facility rentals are subject to a 25% deposit if it is deemed necessary by UMSL Campus Recreation. This deposit fee will be provided in writing with your email confirmation. The deposit fee must be paid by the date indicated or the name/organization will forfeit their facility rental. The deposit fee will be applied to the total cost of the facility rental.
  • A confirmation will be emailed to your email account provided on the rental request form.
  • Please do not send advertisements until you have received confirmation.
  • The copier located at the RWC administrative office suite is for office use only. We do not allow facility rentals to access the copier for any reason. Please make all copies before the facility rental takes place.
  • All amplified music including but not limited to public address systems, boom boxes, bands, and disc jockeys must be approved prior to use. Audio/video equipment must be kept at low levels inside.
    • We must be respectful of other members in the building.
  • Decorations for events are allowed provided they follow the rules outlined under the Decorations heading.

All persons who enter the RWC for a specific event will be called Attendees. However, attendees can be broken down into Participants, Spectators, and Event Workers.

  • Participant: anyone engaged in the activity of the event
    • For example, if the event is a speaker presentation, a Participant would be anyone who shows up to the space. But if the event is a basketball tournament, a Participant is anyone who is playing in the tournament.
  • Spectator: anyone who attends the event but is not engaged in the activity of the event
    • For example, if the event is a basketball tournament, a Spectator would not be playing but would just be watching the tournament.
  • Event Workers: anyone who is involved with putting on and hosting the event
    • This would include anyone with the reserving organization or volunteers needed to run the event.

Event pricing will be based on who the Participants are and how many there are as well as the association of the Event Workers. Capacity requirements and extra staffing necessities will be based on the total number of Attendees (Participants, Spectators, and Event Workers) and is called the attendance for the event.

Participants or Spectators who are minors must be accompanied by their legal guardian. Legal guardians who are not Participants would automatically be considered a Spectator.

  • The event organizer or an approved representative must be present throughout the event with access to the confirmation email.
  • UMSL Campus Recreation will determine if extra staffing will be required. If it is determined extra staffing will be needed the name/organization will be responsible for the staffing fee and this will be indicated in writing with your email confirmation.
  • All facility rentals requesting to use space for a fitness & wellness activity must use UMSL Campus Recreation Fitness & Wellness staff. Instructors for fitness & wellness activities will be scheduled by UMSL Campus Recreation and availability of instructors or staff may dictate the availability of the reservation.
  • Specialty staffing (i.e. Building Managers, lifeguards, officials, fitness instructors) must be arranged at least one week prior to the event.
  • Campus Recreation requires all facility rentals catering to minors (birthday parties, camps, sport clinics, etc.) meet the adult supervision levels as outlined in the table below:
Age # Adult
# Participants
(General Rental)
# Participants
(*Pool Rental)
5 & Under 1 6 4
6 - 8 1 8 6
9 - 14 1 10 8
15 - 18 1 12 10

*Supervision for pool rentals requires that the adult(s) is/are actually in the water for the duration of the event.

  • A valid Campus Recreation waiver for any minors must be filled out and signed by the legal guardian in order for that minor to use the facility. Guardians will not be allowed to just “drop off” a child.
    • This may be taken care of prior to the event by submitting a Guest List and waivers for all participants and spectators.
    • Any minor without a valid waiver will not be allowed to participate and the organizer of the event will need to remain in the Lobby with that minor until the guardian can arrive.
      • If this causes the ratio of adult supervisors to participants to drop below the acceptable level, the entire group will need to remain in the Lobby.

UMSL Campus Recreation and Campus Police will determine if a police officer will be required at the event. If it is determined a police officer will be needed the name/organization will be responsible for the staffing fee and this will be indicated in writing with your email confirmation.

UM Risk & Insurance Management requires that all non-university-sponsored events be covered by
Commercial General Liability Insurance (comparable to comprehensive General Liability Insurance).
This insurance must be purchased through the requestor’s insurance carrier. Essentially, the terms of the insurance are as follows:

  • The standard minimum coverage is $1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage, per occurrence and aggregate.
  • The insurance policy must name "The Curators of the University of Missouri" as an additional insurer.
  • The organization will provide for Worker’s Compensation coverage at statutory limits and Employers’ Liability coverage with a minimum limit of $100,000 per occurrence and aggregate.
  • If the policy is changed or canceled, written notice should be sent to UMSL Campus Recreation prior to the event date.
  • An event held over a period of consecutive days will be covered under one policy. A separate policy must be purchased for each subsequent event.
  • A certificate of insurance must be returned along with the signed agreement by the date specified by UMSL Campus Recreation.
  • If you would like to reserve any equipment for your event, make sure to include that information on the online facility request form.
  • Any facility rental requesting a setup is subject to a setup fee.
  • All equipment requests must be received at confirmation of the rental, so that, Campus Recreation staff can confirm that the equipment is available for use and include the rental fee in the final invoice.
    • The RWC has a limited number of tables and chairs in inventory. If the event requires more tables and chairs than the RWC has we will contact Conference Services for additional amounts. The name/organization will be responsible for the cost of additional table and chairs and this will be indicated in writing with your email confirmation.
  • Any set-up and/or tear down of equipment will be completed by our staff. If you have specific set up instructions for your event, those instructions must be included with your request.
  • Any recreational equipment reserved will be available for pick up at the Welcome Desk on the 2nd Floor of the RWC.
  • The main contact for the event is responsible for the return of any/all reserved equipment.
    • Equipment must be returned on the same day of check-out.
    • The full reimbursement/ replacement cost will be charged to the group for equipment that is lost or damaged.
  • A $25.00 administrative fee will be added to the final invoice for all request changes (times, locations, equipment, supervision, etc.) made with less than a 48 business hours advanced notice from the date/time of the event.
  • Decorations may not compromise public safety or create risk of property damage.
  • Duct tape, glue, tacks and nails may not be used on any floor or wall surface.
    • Only painter's tape is allowed.
  • Directional and/or promotional signage is not permitted without prior approval.
  • The group is responsible for removing all decorations upon conclusion of the event.
  • Loose decorations such as glitter, confetti, or beads are NOT permitted.
  • Open flame candles are NOT allowed.
  • Helium balloons are NOT allowed.
  • Glass decorations are NOT allowed in the Natatorium.
  • Immediately following the facility rental, UMSL Campus Recreation asks the area is returned to
    its original arrangement by the name/organization listed on the facility rental.
  • It is the responsibility of the name/organization listed on the reservation request form to pay for all damages associated with the facility rental.
  • Any facility and/or equipment damage incurred during an event as a result of improper behavior or misuse will be charged to the rental name/organization, at the equivalent retail price for replacement and/or labor charges.
  • The RWC strongly encourages members to lock up personal items in the day use lockers (it can be a personal lock or one can be purchased from the Pro Shop).
  • The RWC is not responsible for stolen personal belongings within the facility or its grounds.
  • If an item is lost or stolen, contact the Building Manager on duty or find a Campus Recreation staff member to assist you.
  • All food and beverage served on campus must be provided through the University’s contracted food service company, Sodexo Catering. For information, call (314) 516–4321. Some exceptions may apply and can be discussed after your reservation request has been submitted.
  • Food and beverage are allowed in the Lobby area, conference rooms, Studio 2, Studio 4, and Aquatic Classroom only. Plastic bottles with water and a lid or spout may be used in the activity areas (1st, 2nd, or 3rd floors). Glass beverages are prohibited.
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited in all areas in and around the RWC property and grounds.
  • Cancellations 48 hours prior to the event will not be charged.
  • Cancellations under 48 hours but over 24 hours will be charged half of the facility space and service fees.
  • Cancellations within 24 hours of the event will be charged the full facility space and service fees.
  • Cancellations and/or changes to an event must be submitted in writing by emailing UMSL Campus Recreation professional staff.
  • Groups that fail to show up for a scheduled event will be invoiced the full amount owed plus a $25.00 no show fee and reservation privileges may be revoked.
  • Reserved spaces will be released 30-minutes after a scheduled event’s start time if a group fails to show up and/or communicate issues in advance.