Third party judges will select the winners and recommend awards levels of $50,000, $25,000 or $10,000, depending on the strength of the candidate’s presentation and the lifecycle stage of the business. Winners will also compete against one another and one winner will be admitted to the Spectrum Pay It Forward program where they will receive $15,000 in advertising. The University of Missouri – St. Louis will also provide winners with paid interns, a dedicated mentor, and a program for to reveal the winners to the community and allow them to showcase their businesses.
The most competitive applicants will be:
Whether or not you applied to the accelerator and/or were invited to participate in the accelerator pitch competition, we wanted to share with you a PowerPoint template you are welcome to modify and use during your next "live" pitch presentation about your startup. With just eight slides, the template provides a framework for efficiently discussing some of the most critical questions that potential accelerators (or potential investors or other stakeholders) may have about your company: