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Testing Center services support UMSL faculty by providing proctoring for tests that cannot be administered in the classroom setting:

  • Accommodations
  • Makeups
  • Placement, prior learning, or exit assessments, including ACT On-Campus, Math Placement, and Major Field Tests (MFT)
  • Online course tests (online proctoring alternative for individual students only)

Submitting a Test to the Testing Center

Faculty may submit tests to the Testing Center in three ways:

(1) RegisterBlast Professors tool for Canvas (strongly recommended). Learn more about utilizing RegisterBlast.

(2) Email to testing@umsl.edu with an Exam Transmittal Form (pdf).

(3) Drop off at the Testing Center (SCB 200) with an Exam Transmittal Form (pdf)


Honorlock Tests

Honorlock is a proctoring solution for online test security that combines live proctoring and AI. Honorlock is supported by Missouri Online. The Testing Center does not provide technical assistance for Honorlock. Faculty are still required to submit testing information via RegisterBlast, email, or physical drop-off. For more information about Honorlock or technical assistance, please see the Missouri Online Honorlock instructor support page

Testing Center Faculty Policies

The Office of Disability Access Services is solely responsible for determining if a student is eligible to receive special accommodations on quizzes and tests. Students are responsible for providing faculty with a copy of their DAS accommodations letter at the beginning of the semester and are responsible for scheduling tests in advance. 

All students are required to schedule a testing appointment a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the desired date and time. Walk-ins and same-day requests are not permitted. Why do we have this policy?

  • Due to the volume and complexity of services, the Testing Center operates on an appointment-only basis. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements - including confirming that devices meet the requirements for online proctoring - before the test date.
  • Reduce stress on the Testing Center's limited capacity, facility, and personnel resources.
  • Reduce delays in checking in other students and test candidates at their scheduled test start time.
  • Provide equitable, non-discriminatory services to all patrons. 

The Testing Center does not distribute nor accept homework assignments, review sheets, or return graded tests to students. To ensure that FERPA regulations are followed, completed paper-based tests are uploaded and shared with faculty in Google Drive, using University-provided Google accounts.

The Testing Center does not remotely proctor exams over Zoom or any other video conferencing service and does not provide support for Honorlock, which is supported by Missouri Online .

Students may not use personal devices to access ebooks, notes, or any other supplemental resource. Cell phones, smartwatches, laptops, and personal electronics are strictly prohibited in the testing areas. ExamSoft-enabled laptops are permitted and are the only exception to this policy.

The Testing Center can administer tests with audio components but cannot support the administration of oral tests. 

A test or quiz administered in the Testing Center must be a minimum of thirty (30) minutes in length. Why do we have this policy? 

  • Reduce disruptions and foot traffic in testing areas and to reduce strain on the Testing Center's limited resources and staffing

Faculty are responsible for providing the Testing Center with test administration directions for each test that a student is scheduled to take in the Center at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment. Any allowance of testing aids must be explicitly indicated in the test administration directions. If the Testing Center has not received test administration directions 24 hours before the student's scheduled start time, the appointment will be canceled. It is then the responsibility of the student and faculty member to make alternate arrangements for the test, such as rescheduling to a later date/time or administering the test in an alternate location. Why do we have this policy?

  • Allow Testing Center staff the capacity to make adequate preparations for the testing event
  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and uncertainty for the student due to a lack of proper test parameters
  • Eliminate delays in assisting other students and test candidates at their scheduled test appointment time
  • Provide equitable services so that no one test-taker receives an advantage or disadvantage over others due to a lack of proper test parameters

The Testing Center does not support whole-class testing or large groups or students from the same class. This policy affects a whole class needing testing together at the same time or a whole class of students trying to schedule appointments individually. Why do we have this policy?

  • Services are intended for individual students who have a disability accommodation or miss tests given during class time due to illness, university-sanctioned event, or other unforeseen circumstance that prevents the test from being proctored (1) in the classroom or (2) through the Honorlock online proctoring platform.
  • The Testing Center does not have the capacity, facility, or personnel resources to handle testing for a whole class or a whole class of individual students seeking testing appointments. 
  • A test center that is expected to provide a reduced distraction testing environment under section 504 of the ADA cannot be expected to test large groups and maintain reduced distraction testing.


September 12, 2024