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Policy Related to Students with Disabilities

The University of Missouri System is dedicated to providing reasonable accommodations to our students with equally effective access to educational opportunities, programs and activities as detailed in the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Reguations, Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity Section 600.010 and University of Missouri Policy Related to Students with Disabilities Section 600.070.

The University of Missouri is dedicated to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified applicants and students to ensure equally effective access to its educational opportunities, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate.

Applicants and students seeking disability-related services and/or accommodations should contact the Disability Access Services (DAS) office. It is the applicant or student’s responsibility to self-identify, to provide current and adequate documentation of a disability, and to request accommodations through the DAS office. While a request for services or accommodations can be made at any time, the appropriate documentation should be provided in a timely manner to ensure full resolution of accommodations prior to the student’s entrance into the program or course of study

The DAS office is responsible for reviewing disability-related documentation and planning accommodations, including in consultation with faculty and other campus entities that may be affected in providing accommodations. In each case, the DAS office will make an individualized determination regarding each accommodation requested and whether the accommodation would fundamentally alter an essential requirement of the student’s program of study

Determinations as to whether and what reasonable services and accommodations shall be provided will be made by the DAS Coordinator. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to otherwise qualified and eligible students with disabilities who have self-identified and who have provided satisfactory documentation in support of their timely request for such accommodations

The University may not deny an accommodation based on a generalized assumption that the accommodation fundamentally alters essential program requirements. The University will make reasonable modifications to its academic requirements as necessary to ensure that the requirements do not discriminate or have the effect of discriminating against a qualified applicant or student on the basis of disability. These accommodations shall not affect the substance of the educational programs or compromise educational standards

For more information about the University’s policies related to students with disabilities, see the following provisions of the University’s Collected Rules and Regulations:

For more information regarding the ADA and OCR, please visit their websites or contact the numbers provided:

For more information on Section 504 and the ADA and their application to auxiliary aids and services for disabled students in postsecondary schools, or to obtain additional assistance, see the list of OCR's 12 enforcement offices containing the address and telephone number for the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481

Disability Access Services logo


Location icon  131 Millennium
Student Center

phone icon (314) 516-5671

Fax icon  (314) 516-6561

Portal icon  health.umsl.edu

email icon  das@umsl.edu

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