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CEFC Current Focus: Student Loan Debt
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Student Loan Debt Repayment Crisis
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Nonprofit Counseling Organizations
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Legal Services Organizations
How to Help Financially Distressed Consumers by Partnering With CEFC and Local Nonprofits
In many cases, consultation with an attorney can be extremely beneficial to financially distressed borrowers, including those who are struggling to repay student loans. While many legal services attorneys are committed to helping distressed consumers, these attorneys may lack current expertise in student loan law. Compounding the issue for counselors and legal services providers is the fact that student loan borrowers in repayment are often uncertain about the need for legal consultation and reluctant to contact an attorney for help.
To help address these concerns, CEFC‘s student loan borrower repayment counseling program incorporates legal consultation as a major component. Legal services providers are partnered with the financial counseling/coaching organization to inform borrowers, if needed, of their legal options, as well as mentor counselors on challenging student loan issues. In addition, CEFC will contract with a suitable student loan law trainer to provide legal services attorneys with appropriate training when necessary.
For more information on how your organization might participate as a partner with a financial counseling/coaching organization to bring this service to your community, please contact CEFC to learn more details.